Waterspout on a Lake near New Orleans?

Very impressive waterspout, indeed. It made the news here as well. I'd love to see the radar from the time of the parent storm.
There was a typical rise in air pressure with this storm(thunderstorms causing squall winds etc tend to cause increase in air pressure). Thunderstorm caused 7°C temperature drop, per KNEW's data.

I have posted a radar loop from KLIX from 1753-1956Z on Thursday(that's when a thunderstorm was indicated in the weather data) to here. Looking nice at some shots.
Tarmo, thanks for finding the radar loop :)
Looks like the spout coincided (I know, misspelled) with the tail end development of the line, right about when the hook like feature formed. Marine warning at 1817Z mentioned "doppler radar indicated a thunderstorm...producing waterspouts".
Wonder if anybody got any vid of the spout forming? There are several links to pics and vid this morning, but all I've found so far is the spout over the lake.
Neat stuff!!