Warnings on Weathertap Mobile

  • Thread starter Thread starter Darrin Rasberry
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Darrin Rasberry

Hey all,

When chasing, I use Weathertap Mobile on my Blackberry to assess storm development. I am wondering if I can get warnings using this system. I can't find a way to access them via Weathertap Mobile, and I would like to have this ability should my severe wx radio go out of range of a station (which is often).

If there's an easier way to access warnings via a mobile (alerts won't work since I obviously wander as a chaser), or if I'm simply overlooking the obvious with finding them in Weathertap Mobile, I would appreciate any pushes in the right direction.
I'm a BIG fan of My-Cast... It works across the country no matter where you sign up -- http://www.wlns.com/Global/story.asp?S=5005793

Lightning is a big plus.

I love MyCast too ... however, on my old Verizon phone, I could not access MyCast in Kansas or Nebraska ... not a really big deal unless you, you know, go storm chasing in Kansas or Nebraska. I got a new phone and actually have internet access on it, so I'm itching to see if I can get MyCast in Kansas or Nebraska now ... anyone wan'a go chasing?
On WeatherTAP Mobile, click on the Severe Weather link from the main page to get to the Watches/Warnings/Advisories (WWAs) section. If you want to see a graphic display of WWAs, you can click on the WWAs link under the Graphic Data section. If you want to read the text for a given type of WWA, then click on the Advisories link listed under the Text Data section.