Quick question I came across in my studies this evening.
Streamwise vorticity is the amount of horizontal vorticity that is parallel to the storm inflow. Storm inflow is simple enough, it's the velocity of the low level wind flowing into a thunderstorm. i.e. 15 m/s out of the southeast (not sure if this value needs a direction.) Horizontal vorticity is vorticity generated by a change in wind direction with height - se wind 850mb, w wind 500mb, or wind speed with height - 10 knots 850 mb, 65 knots 500 mb.
Question, how do I calculate a value for streamwise vorticity from a operational forecasting point of view? Wouldn't one first have to calculate horizontal vorticity, before calculating how much of it is parallel to the storm inflow - which would be another calculation. Sounds like either a hodograph operation, or there is already a model that displays streamwise vorticity.
As you noted, streamwise vorticity is that component of horizontal vorticity (which, necessarily, is perpendicular to the local vertical shear vector) parallel to the storm-relative wind vector. FWIW, cross-wise vorticity is that component of hortizontal vorticity perpendicular to storm-relative wind vector. This is probably easiest to see on a hodograph... Remember, again, that the local vertical shear vector is tangent to the hodograph, and the local vorticity vector perpendicular and to the left of the shear vector. The basis behind calculating streamwise vorticity in convective storm situations is that there is a correlation between the vertical velocity field and the vertical vorticity field (vertical vorticity is generated by the tilting of the environmental horizontal vorticity, and it is amplified by the vertical stretching beneath the level of maximum upward velocity). We really should talk about the vertical displacement field, which can be quite different (in magnitude and location of max) from the vertical velocity field as well, but this is the gist...
Think about a hodograph that is a half-circle about the origin, with storm motion stationary. In this case, the storm-relative wind vector is always parallel to the local vorticity vector; this hodograph has only streamwise vorticity. Conversely, consider a straight-line hodograph, with a storm motion along that hodograph. Here, the storm-relative wind vector at any particular level is always perpendicular to the local vorticity vector (i.e it is always parallel or antiparallel to the local shear vector); this hodograph has only cross-wise vorticity. Interestingly, consider what happens if a supercell in that straight-line hodograph environment splits... The right-deviating storm (presumably, the cyclonic supercell in the NH) will then have a storm motion that lies to the right of the hodograph, which creates streamwise vorticity.
As a proxy for streamwise vorticity, just use storm-relative helicity! SRH is the area swept out of the hodograph bounded by the storm motion vector. For example, here's a hodograpm from OUN on the evening of 4-24-06, near the time a couple of tornado supercells were ongoing west and southwest of OKC:
The red lines are storm-relative wind 'vectors', and the green arrows indicate the direction of the local vorticity vectors. The entire area bounded by the black hodograph, the left-most storm-relative wind vector, and the right-most storm-relative wind vector (which is near 3km above ground level), is the storm-relative helicity. The storm-relative wind vectors for a different storm motion area given in blue... Note that there is more streamwise vorticity associated with the slower storm motion (i.e. the red storm-relative wind vectors are more parallel to the green vorticity vectors) in the 905-767mb layer, though there is more streamwise vorticity associated with the faster storm motion in the sfc-905mb layer.