Visit with Bob Baron

Jan 8, 2005
Huntsville, Alabama
I was performing at a society function this evening and wound up visting with Bob Baron, whom I hadn't seen in person in quite a while. We both arrived in Huntsville around the same time, Bob on radio back then before he became a TV weather guy.

He shared some interesting stories, including his trip in a hurricane hunter C-130 several years ago, and talked about the DOW that Baron Services has built, which he says is being used also by UAHuntsville and/or NSSTC for projects, hurricane studies in particular. While we chatted about the 1989 F4 here, a few other witnesses got involved--it was a pretty good storm chat for a gig.

We talked about WXWorx and the modern proliferation of laptops and tablets. He mentioned that a storm chaser from Australia came into the Baron offices recently to buy a unit. Was it any of you Australians who post here on ST?