Video Library and Formatting

Apr 1, 2004
I have allowed my video to pile up over the years and haven't set up any sort of organized system for storing my video. I got a new camera this year that stores the video on an internal hard drive so now I pretty much have to figure out the best way for preserving my original video for future use.
There are two things I'm trying to start doing. One is to upload my video onto the computer as soon as I get it and save it in whatever format is best for editing it in the future. Basically I want to set up my main bank of original video where I can pull from any time I am working on a project in my video editing software.

The other thing I need to do is to start uploading my video to youtube and I'm trying to figure out what is the best format to use for that. I searched through the youtube help and found a few recomended formats, but a few of them aren't options with my editing software and of the ones I do have I'm not sure which to go with. I started uploading different trial clips with different formats to youtube to try and compare the quality difference, but didn't get very far. Right now I am using a sony HD video camera. I have Adobe CS4 and Sony Vegas Movie Studio editing software. I am borderline retarded when it comes to using the Adobe software, so I'm pretty much using Vegas exclusively right now.
Any help or advice would be appreciated. I'd also really like to hear how you manage your video library.