Video by attorney representing a TWC employee injured in the El Reno Tornado

WOW! That's called ambulance chasing... I've never heard of a news director telling someone to drive into a tornado. Those suggestions are ridiculous.
"if news directors are asking employees to go out and chase storms or report on storms" - Atty's direct quote.

Hardly ambulance chasing. He's making sure people know their rights. If someone is in a car accident because their employer told them to go out there during a severe weather event (or not), health insurance cost and payments will be contested every time. Everyone's insurance starts pointing fingers in the other direction when it comes to an accident, and who is liable to pay. My opinion is itsquite helpful to have legal representation in this situation. Now the totaled Tornado Hunt vehicle in the background is a little over the top...I admit that.
I'm not entirely sure what the point is of the video. Is the attorney trying to drum up business from "clients" who are asked to chase storms by their employer but don't have roll cages, 5 point harnesses or the other safety features he explained?
It's obvious that this whole business of storm chasers employed directly by an organisation, those contracted during outbreaks and even those who "affiliate" to a media outlet during a storm or storms is an absolute legal minefield and is clearly way more nuanced than a director asking a crew to "drive into a tornado". I have no doubt whatsoever that those employed directly or contacted have contracts that sate the chasers are their own boss in terms of whether to make a particular move or not - It is beholden on the employer to ensure they employ knowledgeable chasers who are able to make their own decisions based on the ground truth. Assuming this to be the case the burden of responsibility for the crews safety lies in their own hands. That's not to say there isn't pressure to get closer shots or a better angle without rain obscuring the view and no doubt any chaser would bear this in mind when making their decisions on positioning - and that's where the danger lies I imagine.
WOW! That's called ambulance chasing... I've never heard of a news director telling someone to drive into a tornado. Those suggestions are ridiculous.
Rdale, Because of several personal experiences over the years with being on the receiving end of an opposing attorney's aggressions, I'm the first guy to grit my teeth and rear back in disgust whenever I hear one speak legalese. However, I've learned that one better listen to their counsel, or suffer the fool's consequences. If I were a news director who just viewed this video, I'd waste no time in implementing every single point that this guy made....and be grateful for the advice up front. It may just allow you to prevail in court. He's also showing his cards a little bit...telling you how he would attack you if you were opposite him in court and presented your case without having these vehicle modifications in place. And....hate to say it....he's probably right on the money.
As I said on another thread and nobody believed me; Pretty soon insurance companies will be getting wiser regarding Storm Damage Claims. It's only a matter of time that one will need to acquire a Storm Chaser Rider for your personal policies.

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, I've learned that one better listen to their counsel, or suffer the fool's consequences. If I were a news director who just viewed this video, I'd waste no time in implementing every single point that this guy made.

My point was that ND's don't tell their chasers to drive into a tornado. Ever. So the entire point of this video (to tell NDs how to protect their chasers when they drive into a tornado) is invalid.
As I said on another thread and nobody believed me; Pretty soon insurance companies will be getting wiser regarding Storm Damage Claims. It's only a matter of time that one will need to acquire a Storm Chaser Rider for your personal policies.

That prediction first started on WX-Chase back in 1991 ;) No, seriously, the number of chaser damage claims has to pale in comparison to the number of people who rear-end the car in front of them while texting. This is not on their radar.