Verizon Upgrade Policy Changing

Oct 2, 2006
Norman, OK
I wanted to bring it to attention that the Verizon upgrade policies are changing, beginning January 16th...

There will no longer be New Every 2 credits for the primary lines... Either the 30$ or 50$ amounts..

Additionally, there will be no more, "Early Upgrades" or also called "Annual Upgrades" in which the primary line will get an upgrade every year.. Now, upgrades will be every 20 months like normal..

Kinda a bummer... And I've already felt the impacts of it, as a VZW rep.. I think it has something to do with the new 4g devices launching soon..

So, I guess if you are looking to upgrade into a smartphone, wait till the new 4g devices launch, and take advantage of that last extra credit if its on your account.

Big announcements coming Tuesday next week.. Any techies should keep an eye on the tech sites like PhoneScoop and Boy Genious Report

The above info is in the public domain, and more info about the New Every 2 promo can be found here..
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So, I don't get exactly what this is because I don't play Verizon's little games with 'upgrades' or whatever and have stuck with my original price (just $35/mo.), but basically the deal was (before) every two years you could get a new phone. I take it it was also combined with some sort of dollar value off the purchase of that new phone.

So after 2 years for instance, you could get a $300 phone for $150 with contract renewal, plus and extra $30 off? Something like that?
So, I don't get exactly what this is because I don't play Verizon's little games with 'upgrades' or whatever and have stuck with my original price (just $35/mo.), but basically the deal was (before) every two years you could get a new phone. I take it it was also combined with some sort of dollar value off the purchase of that new phone.

So after 2 years for instance, you could get a $300 phone for $150 with contract renewal, plus and extra $30 off? Something like that?

Yeah this is a total bummer. So normally Verizon would offer you a smaller discount on the price of a phone if you wanted to upgrade your phone on a yearly basis. You wouldn't get the full discount as if you had waited the full 2 years but it was still something. Now they are saying that there is no more yearly discounts. It really only affects people that were getting new phones every year. For those who wait the full two years normally, there isn't really any change per se. They're just not calling it "New Every 2" anymore. I'm sitting on my early upgrade credit until the 4G phones come out in April or May. But from there on out, if I want a new phone every year I'm gonna have to pay the unsubsidized aka full price of the phone. That sucks but at least I won't have to sign a new contract every year...Oh well.
Im gonna get the 1 year contract instead of 2 year from now on. New phones are coming out way too often to have a 2 year contract with no early upgrade available every year.
So, anyone buying the big iPhone on Verizon announcement tomorrow? My guess is that it'll probably happen but just be a normal 3G iPhone 4 with CDMA compatibility, and no LTE ability. Anyone thinking about upgrading to this if it does happen?
So, anyone buying the big iPhone on Verizon announcement tomorrow? My guess is that it'll probably happen but just be a normal 3G iPhone 4 with CDMA compatibility, and no LTE ability. Anyone thinking about upgrading to this if it does happen?
Thinking....absolutely. Actually run out and buy right away...NO! Besides, attm my money has higher priorities for my business. I for one want to see if there would be some kind of discount to have an iPhone + datacard, as the iPhone (even tethered) doesn't do it for me. Add to that the lack of antenna port on the iPhone for amps and antennas means there is a limit.

My evaluations
-antenna port?
-network availability (geographically)
-network usage (how many customers on simultaneously)
-application availability
-cost (combo deals?)

What I don't care about
-international issues
-talk and browse at the same time
-the policy change talked about in this thread, as I likely would buy the iPhone from the net rather than the store.
-4g (3g is good enough for my needs).

I'm sure it will be different for others. But the main thing is the ability to use Apple based applications on the verizon network (and maybe even retain my cheapo plan) is the main things. Again....thinking/investigating it will of course be done, but run right, that's just poor business planning.
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The news is out:

Time to start evaluating in more depth, VZ on the market, especially with the initial aspects of it being a negative impact for Verizon, but later add subscribers and subsidy payments get paid off with months of service payments from those customers.