Uploading Video to Your Website

Apr 1, 2004
I just started up a website about two weeks ago and I am having a very difficult time trying to get video clips uploaded to it. I use Adobe Premiere Pro for editing. I put my clip together and exported it as a movie to a file. I can play it fine on my computer. It opens with Windows Media Player. Any idea on why I can't get this to work?
Are you trying to embed it or something? Or are you just trying to link to the file? If it's the later, it shouldn't be a problem -- if worse comes to worst, people can just right-click save the files.

If you really want people to actually watch your movies, you almost have to go with a flash-based player (like YouTube) these days. With these, you just upload your movies and it gives you code you insert onto your page. The upside is that the movie files are much smaller and embed easily into your site, increasing the chances that people will actually watch them. The downside is that they're much more compressed and don't look as good.
Here is a link to a storm report from the storgasm page. This is exactly what I am trying to do.
I have my website hosted by Yahoo and I am using their site building software. There is an insert video option with their software. When I do that it opens a little window for the video, but when I try to publish it to my site it never ends up working. I have no clue what the problem is.
I might go the youtube route myself, much easier.

By the way, I like your site Michael.
I find that your clip loads fine for me in IE, but that Firefox isn't sure what to do with it (unless I right click save it). This tells me that you have everything uploaded correctly, and that what you're getting is likely a server issue -- the server isn't set up for the right file type. Firefox relies on server-declared file type to know what the heck to do with a file, IE checks the file extention. If you have control of the physical server, you can fix this -- if not, you need to ask the web host to set the server up correctly.

Another thing you can try doing is creating a metafile that will tell your media player what to play and how to play it. There is a good tutorial about this here:


Of course, if the server isn't set up to work with WMV files, it probably won't know what to do with ASX files, either, but it's worth a shot.

BTW, I just noticed that your filename has multiple periods. Try changing all the periods in the filename to dashes, so that it reads (for example) 4-13-07-webclip.wmv -- it's possible the multiple periods may be throwing the server off.
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post your videos to Youtube

. Meanwhile, I think the best thing is to post your videos to Youtube and manage from there . You can also insert the codes in your website.
my 2 cents
PS I like the FAQ info at your website. This gives me an extra idea for a thread

I just started up a website about two weeks ago and I am having a very difficult time trying to get video clips uploaded to it. I use Adobe Premiere Pro for editing. I put my clip together and exported it as a movie to a file. I can play it fine on my computer. It opens with Windows Media Player. Any idea on why I can't get this to work?
Thanks a lot for the advice. I am going to try what Ryan recomended first before I take the Youtube route. I will definitely check out that tutorial too. I greatly appreciate everybody's help and advice.
If you put it on youtube, be sure and burn your URL on the video for the full length of it. That way when it's passed around you can benefit from some additional traffic to your website and it makes it harder for someone else to take credit for it. For that matter, do that no matter where you put it on the web.