Updates to my Lightning web pages and some video

Mar 19, 2004
Mt Warrigal, NSW, Australia

I have finally got around to updating my lightning pictures.


Some other recent updates -

A short and visually non exciting clip, but if you like the sound a pealing thunder right after a CG, turn up the volume - just the tonic to put you in the mood for your up coming season.


There is also a link to a waterspout clip - rather poor, but it was a pull over the car and hit record ASAP as it was coming ashore.


My main page :



.....and I may see some of you in May / June, not 100% certain yet, but talking the wife into it as I turned 50 this year.
Damn, sweet stills man! My favorite is this one:


That and the Jan 28, 04 stuff(date might be wrong as the header says Sep 4th).

I'd LOVE to get some of the bolts jumping way out, but to be honest, I can't recall ever even seeing one do that in person.
Great stuff! I agree with Mike, the 'bolt from the blue' out of the side of the storm is a classic. I've seen this happen several times, but so far have only managed to get one on video. The best storms for these are an isolated cell of brand-new convection. As the Cb starts anviling out, one or two of these will jump out of the side. They are usually very loud! The one I have on video, the storm was more than 10 miles away and I could not hear any thunder from the 'normal' CGs - but about a minute later, I heard the muffled booming from the anvil-to-ground bolts.

Apparently Florida is a hotspot for these too.
You have got good taste in lightning pics guys, as that's my fave pic also from that bunch, and they're all good pictures :)

Thank you Micheal for sending us the links, etc to the updates on your site, they're pretty dang good :ccol:

Great work Michael. Really hope you'll be able to make it here this year...
Ona side note... It is a very interesting subject that Dan R. and Mike H. brought out here about the Bolts out of blue/CG+. It is interseting to hear your take guys.. I believe these bolts would much more frequently occur over the ocean for some reason. I've witnessed some quite intense lightning events in Midwest, mainly associated with supercell thunderstorms but have not had seen many of these bolts out there either, although they are not uncommon.
We get plenty of these bolts here in Florida Keys/south Florida. During wet season you can observe/photograph them pretty much every night. Study & photography of these bolts have been my main interest for almost a decade now.
Michael, what is your take on their frequency, location, etc. in Australia. Would you agree they most commonly occur over the water ?
And how about these bolts and their occurence, frequency in the desert SW during the monsoon season, Susan ?
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