Tropical Storm-Specific Data Page?

Dec 8, 2003
Southeast CO
This is a request and suggestion.

Could we create a "data page" specifically for individual tropical storm events? I mean, sorta like the ST "Data Page", only it would be temporary.

For example: Let's say Dean is within 36 hours of Jamaica. I'd want the page to display links to:

Jamaica radar
Satellite imagery
Streaming Jamaica radio
Jamaica webcams
Jamaica online newspaper sites
Police scanner streaming
Any other goodies we come up with

Everyone would be invited, and encouraged, to contribute, but it would be much easier to navigate if this was compiled by a moderator and set up like the data page, rather than one of those 12 page threads.

A couple days after Dean passed Jamaica, it would be deleted, but we would already have a new page for, say, Cuba.

Even cooler: Some way to vote on each link, so we could see that a particular site was voted "3 stars" or "5 stars" by members.

BTW, the data page doesn't work any more, huh?


*edit* For the record, I would be willing to coordinate this. I suppose all I would really have to do is start a thread entitled "BOB'S OFFICIAL JAMAICA/DEAN DATA POST", and go for it. Anyone with good links could simply PM them to me, and I would check them out. If I liked one or more, I would just go back into my original post and edit the new links in, so they would all be in the very first post.

Only caveat seems to be this ST rule: 8. Links. Lists of links exceeding ten lines are not appropriate for the Stormtrack forums and are prohibited. Link lists should be submitted to the Stormtrack links area. Waiver??

I wouldn't post, like, 90 links. Perhaps 20 or 25, separated into categories. I am willing to take the abuse for rejecting submissions. Most likely reasons for rejection would be redundancy and difficulty of navigation. They gotta be good, and they gotta bring up what the peeps want immediately. I didn't see any other "rules issues"...
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It would be nice to see different tropical thread types like in the tornado target aread, one for technical discussion of the storm itself, like latest recon, models, etc.

One for chasing/general comments like discussing the strength of buildings and roads in a particular area, who is going where, second-hand reports of damage, etc.

And a reports thread after the storm for people that actually chased it.

One thread per category per storm.