TornadoXtreme Live Chase Cam

Apr 16, 2004
Austin, Tx
I have added live streaming chase video to my website. I plan on chasing today as well. Look for more updates and features to Live Chase Cam soon. I will also be updating my site for latest chase pics and maybe some video.

I have also added myself to Spotternetwork at Not sure how much I will use it yet, but all these new toys are kind of fun.
Thanks. Turns out no cell coverage yesterday except briefly on I20 right as I was getting on the storm. Streamed for a few minutes racing west and then when I was on the wallcloud headed north the connect died.

My apologies to any trying to check it out. I am in the process of getting a better cell solution - hopefully in the next few days before the next chase.
My apologies to any trying to check it out. I am in the process of getting a better cell solution - hopefully in the next few days before the next chase.

Data card all the way Bill. I used to use the cell phone system and the 2 main drawbacks are you cant use your phone while getting data and the cards have a much better reception (with antenna). Since Steve and I have switched to data cards (sprint) we have cell connetion and streaming about 95% of the time. Even better than my regular cell phone.

Just a suggestion.
I hear ya Jay, and you are absolutely right. I want to switch to Sprint but man that's a lot of cash. Just the data portion on 2 year contract would be $1440. A one year would be $179 card plus $960 or $1139 for first year.

The Alltel plan is more attractive price wise but I'm not convinced yet I'll have the quality reliable data I want and if not I might as well stay with Verizon.

Not sure about AT&T. Gene's had pretty good luck with it. I don't hear many people recommending it though.
Data card all the way Bill. I used to use the cell phone system and the 2 main drawbacks are you cant use your phone while getting data and the cards have a much better reception (with antenna). Since Steve and I have switched to data cards (sprint) we have cell connetion and streaming about 95% of the time. Even better than my regular cell phone.

Just a suggestion.

You guys are welcome. ;)
I hear ya Jay, and you are absolutely right. I want to switch to Sprint but man that's a lot of cash. Just the data portion on 2 year contract would be $1440. A one year would be $179 card plus $960 or $1139 for first year.

The Alltel plan is more attractive price wise but I'm not convinced yet I'll have the quality reliable data I want and if not I might as well stay with Verizon.

Not sure about AT&T. Gene's had pretty good luck with it. I don't hear many people recommending it though.

Bill, I used Millenicom chasing on April 7th and it worked great for me. It's $60 plus a one time fee of $60 (guessing each time one sets it up each season) with not contract length. I used an external antenna and never dropped a connection except for the Kansas Turnpike between the south terminal and OK line. I also have Verizon for voice and tried tethering and was unable to. Hence the switch to somebody else.
Yes Chris, I recently (last night) heard about Millenicom and am (was) very excited. I just couldn't pull the trigger on that crazy 2 year Sprint contract. Millenicom has all the pluses of Sprint that I can tell without the minuses - no contracts and only $59/mo. They were providing a leased aircard too along with that - which is amazing.

However I went to their site to sign up, and they have a big red paragraph stating how they are currently out of the CDU680 cards, but will allow people with their own equipment to still sign up. They provide a number and state that they hope to have the situation resolved by May 1st.

I just called them this morning to get the specifics and it turns out the world is changing. The guy said they will be getting away from the Sprint reseller situation (Sprint is apparently losing 10 billion a month) and instead will have their own network and their own equipment for accessing. It will not only be nationwide but also Mexico and Canada. Their new system will be faster (though still EVDO) with better coverage footprint. The subscribers will own (purchase) their own equipment (aircard) for accessing. They expect the cost of that to be $60 which they will provide. They then plan on returning to the $39 / month rate which they used to apparently have, and subscribers will still own their equipment. All of this is in the works. They have patents approved and are currently waiting on FCC approval (hopefully by May) to begin the rollout. He also mentioned there is something huge called 'The Grid' which is supposed to be '10,000 times' faster with wide coverage targeted for the end of the year.

I asked the guy what I should do. He said that if I signed up now even with my own equipment (which they still allow) that by the first of middle of May I would likely need to kill the old plan, and sign up with the new one with new equipment. He did mention that Sprint offers a 30 day return policy that might act as a buffer while I am waiting for their rollout to the new system.

So, now I have to figure out what I will do in the interim.

(NOTE: For all of you that I linked here from other threads the reason I did so, was because it really sounds like Millenicom has the best, least inexpensive, and flexible chase data solution out there. Many of the other threads were about tethering, or cell service, or the new Autonet gadget. I think this beats them all as far as I can tell. Plus, apparently with Millenicom you can get a wireless router that will interface with the usb aircard for possible broadband access for your home environment allowing multiple users. This could also be used similarly to the way Autonet has their system - creating a hot spot and allowing other nearby chasers to join in the data via wifi.)
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Bill, this is interesting news. While not totally thrilled about buying a card the only negative is laying out the cash. It sounds like once that initial expenditure is made the service gets better and cheaper. I was already impressed with their service (Sprint service). Let's hope they don't back off their implementation goal. I took the first week of May off of work so I wouldn't have any conflicts and I don't want to be surprised.
I just ordered a Sierra Wireless 595U card. It should be here in a few days - hopefully before the next chase next Wed, Thu, Fri timeframe. Now I need to get an antenna. When it comes in I plan on signing up with Millenicom until their new system and hardware is available sometime likely in May. At that point I'll switch over and sell the 595U card on Ebay. So I think I am set and hopefully no more bad days like Wed for live chase cam.

It's really a shame too, because Wed I was driving into some really cool stuff on the backside of the hook. It was hella fun being in there.
Bill, I must have misunderstood you. Is millenicom going to sell their own hardware for use on their own network? If thats the case, I wonder if I can just purches from the card I am currently leasing since it's all set up and everything.
Bill, I must have misunderstood you. Is millenicom going to sell their own hardware for use on their own network? If thats the case, I wonder if I can just purches from the card I am currently leasing since it's all set up and everything.

Not sure what you mean by 'just purchase from the card' you are currently using. Do you mean purchase the card, or swap the card? But, yes they are going to explicitly use only their hardware they are building. Previous hardware will not work - or so the guy told me. I asked because I was wondering if I could just purchase a 595U now and use it on the new system. But he said no existing cards are incompatible. He also said the new cards would only cost $60 though. So really that's pretty cheap. No big deal IMO. Since I'm purchasing a new 595u card for only $99. I think I can resale for about the same price on Ebay. So little usage I may just claim it is new - which it basically would be. So, as it stands according to this guys current understanding of Millenicom's plans in May they will switch over requiring users to have a new account and purchase new equipment. The equipment cost is $60. There may be a very small sign up or activation fee (not sure), and then the plans are for the flat rate data plan to cost $39 / month.
Millenicom may be switching providers from Sprint to Verizon but there is no way they are going to have there own network and there is nothing filed with the FCC so don't believe what the sales person told you.
Millenicom may be switching providers from Sprint to Verizon but there is no way they are going to have there own network and there is nothing filed with the FCC so don't believe what the sales person told you.

Well, I hope it is not a switch from Sprint's towers to Verizon's towers. However the guy did tell me that Sprint and Verizon don't own the towers. These are owned by 3rd parties I believe is what he said. He also mentioned they had filed with FCC and were rating approval.

Maybe I need to follow up on this...

Ok, I just called and spoke with Dennis again. I think he's the same guy. He said that no, it was not a change from Sprint to Verizon. He said there is something called MVNO's (Multiple Virtual Network Operators - or something like that). He said there are 18 different ones and apparently you can contractually agree in a bit of a smorgasbord for connectivity with different towers, regions, etc.

Wow! You know what is weird? I just Googled 'Millenicom Changes May' a few moments after making this post. Google already had it spidered in their database within minutes for retrieval and viewing. Check this out:

Man, I wish it was that instantaneous on my web store.

TornadoXtreme Storm Chase Live Chase Cam
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Just as a reminder for those who do not want to get locked into the 2 year contract..which I didn't either. But I found that at least AT&T allows you to turn the service off (temporarily suspend) up to six months at a time. For me this is perfect as I use the service more than 6 months each year as we have two distinct tornado seasons here in AL and then the hurricane season to add to that.
I would guess if one major carrier does this, the others would also. The time the service is turned off does not count toward the 2 year contract, but continues once it is turned back on. No big deal as far as I am concerned.
When I figure the cost of my aircard with a contract versus buying without a contract and the locked in rate that cannot go up for the contract length, it is beneficial to me. If the prices go down, so does mine. But with my contract, which will probably take 3 years to fulfill, I will be good. The total cancellation fee before prorating is only $200.00 I think, should I decide to cancel.
I know this has all been discussed before, but some may not have seen it, and to me, it is worth checking on and really comparing,
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