Tornado Uncovers School Construction Issues

Randy Jennings

May 18, 2013
NBC5 reports that a damage assessment done by Tim Marshall found that walls at Shields Elementary in Red Oak where only nailed to the foundation instead of bolted. "Certainly you don't want walls built that way," Marshall said. "And you don't want them to fall over at what I would call a very near-code wind speed. That is not what's supposed to happen. They're supposed to be bolted properly and anchored properly and they're supposed to be tied into other walls and the roof." Marshall said.

Full story and video at:
Tim Marshall has been ripping apart the construction all over the damaged area and I have to say I'm enjoying it from a research standpoint. I'm learning more about engineering than I ever thought I would and its interesting to see how many corners have been cut and the horrible things that can occur when those corners are cut. Certainly makes one think about not only their own house, but every building they enter.
It's good to see this topic getting some air time, but also frustrating that the script didn't get beyond the expected, "Won't someone think of the Children?!"

Take Tim to the hardware store and give him 3 minutes and he could deliver a respectable introduction to and demonstration of the various methods of cheaply increasing wind resistance. Metal straps, OSB, screws, etc. (None of this is rocket science.) But that would require someone to do actual journalism, and that's just sooo hard. :(
It's good to see this topic getting some air time, but also frustrating that the script didn't get beyond the expected, "Won't someone think of the Children?!"

Take Tim to the hardware store and give him 3 minutes and he could deliver a respectable introduction to and demonstration of the various methods of cheaply increasing wind resistance. Metal straps, OSB, screws, etc. (None of this is rocket science.) But that would require someone to do actual journalism, and that's just sooo hard. :(

....Can we take Tim to a hardware store and give him an hour? Seriously, I could listen to Tim Marshall talk for three days straight and never get bored. In fact, someone get a camera and a hardware store and just let Tim go nuts for however long he wants to talk.