Top End Australia 08/09 Thunderstorm & wet season photos

Mar 8, 2006
Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
Hi all,

The onset of the dry season has started very early here in Darwin with large rainfall deficits right across Northern Australia with New Guinea to Fiji and the Coral Sea along the South Pacific Convergance Zone soaking it up of late. ( )
Anywhere here are a few photos since mid-November when I arrived from NZ.
The local chasers and weather watchers say it's the 'worst storm season ever' with a dry Nov, Feb and March... and very few 'knock 'em down' severe storms.

Here are some photos i'd like to share from the few periods of interesting weather we had... click any to enlarge.

November 17 - Cj development

A few hours later, storms inland

November 24 - Local chase towards the rural areas - VERY heavy with moisture!

November 25 - Just some anvil spread

December 1

January 11 - Evening storm and associated outflow at Litchfield NP with a termite mound

February 15 - At Litchfield again, interesting base structure.


A pretty common sight during the wet

February 20 - After a southeasterly dry surge, moisture creeps back in, though it was still way too dry in the upper levels for much action

February 21 - Incoming gusty storm

Had a stunning sunset with lightning flickering from the Cb in view

February 22 - Chase out to the rural area, CAPE was AOA 4500j/kg with Tds to 27C / 80F on this day

Guster developing

After dinner we had to rush to the Nightcliff Jetty as a shower cell overland exploded as it met the sea breeze with diurnal heating.

February 23 - Late afternoon gusty storm hits the CBD

March 25 Rolling up from the sou'east, later gave a magnificant lightning show over the city.

Wow! These are some outstanding photos Willoughby! I'm very jealous!
Stunning images - yes, I am jealous - LOL Beautiful!! Well done!
If that's a bad season, then I'm amazed. Those are some stunning pictures. We had 1 thunderstorm where I live all of last year, and that occured the day after I flew out to the states to go storm chasing so I missed it ;) I think I need to move countries....