The Nikon D70s

Mar 2, 2004
Northern Colorado

So it has FINALLY been done. After a couple of years of bouncing back-and-forth between buy and not buying, I've finally dipped into the DSLR age. This morning, I made the purchase of a Nikon D70s camera and a pair of lenses. Also included was a battery charger and two spare batteries, along with some other odds and ends of silly stuff. I got my camera and lenses (warrentied factory demos) from Cameta Camera on Ebay (also highly recommended by many) for $1059.90 plus shipping, so I would guess it would end up about $1080 after shipment. That price also included a Nikon dual battery charger and two spare batteries which I added with the camera kit. I'm going to pick up a few CF cards from to round out the pack along with a couple of filters for the lenses.

After reading endless reviews and chatting with folks, I finally went for this. Up til this passed weekend, I had been eyeing the D50 over the D70, but upon the push of several photographers here and elsewhere, I finally decided I'd ultimately be happier with the D70s. The cable release was a big deal for me, bigger than the issue I was having with the SD vs. CF cards (I own all SD cards so would have to purchase CF). However, since I was going to need to get bigger cards, it was an easier choice when I realized I would have to purchase new cards regardless.

I picked up a pair of Nikon/Nikkor lenses with this package... the main lens is a Nikon 18-70mm lens and the other is a Nikon/Nikkor 70-300mm lens. The price difference was only $90 with or without the 300mm, so I can't imagine the Nikkor 300mm to be a great lens, but for $90, guess it can't hurt.


I'm very excited! I've been hesitant for a long time as to whether or not to make this purchase, and with the recent sales I did on Ebay with my closet cleaning ventures, it was a much easier choice. After my auctions, I'm realistically only paying a few hundred out of my own pocket as auctions on old computer parts, electronics, and books paved out over $800 in sales for me. Either way, its been since my laptop since I've made a single item purchase this big. I can't wait to start using this!
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Great choice on the lenses - I own the 70-300 as well and I am very satisfied with the image quality that I have been able to obtain from it. The images are very sharp for a standard non-VR telephoto, and since I primarily use it on the tripod it really makes no difference to me in the end. I have not used the 18-70 but that seems like a good call on your part to upgrade from the 18-55 (which I am not too fond of).
Good job Tony! I was also hesitant whether or not I wanted to drop 1200 into a camera or not but I'm able to work lots of overtime at work so I went for it. I kept telling myself that I only live once. I opted for the Canon 400/D 10 megapixel DSLR. It should arrive today from B&H photo so I'm very excited also.
So I see you took my advice; aw shucks.:D I promise you'll be SOOO unbelievably pleased with this camera; I know I have been with mine, otherwise I wouldn't have reccomended it to you. I'm with Mike, good lens choices - the 70-300 is a great lens, it's by far the best telephoto in its price range, and though I don't personally own the 18-70, I've heard good things about it. Wise choice to upgrade; the 18-55 is a, um, interesting lens. Let's just say that it's better if you use it occasionally or just want to have a backup in case one of your better lenses gets damaged and has to go to the shop for repairs.
Enjoy your new toy, and if you ever need any help with anything, just holler at me; though I've figured out the majority of the features, I must admit there's a couple I'm yet to master, and I've had this camera over a year now!