The meteorology of tornado forecasting

Apr 2, 2005
Norman, OK
With the help of the OU Student Chapter of the AMS, I will be conducting a 9-week workshop on tornado forecasting, beginning the evening of Tuesday 3 February 2015 and running through Tuesday 21 April 2015 at the National Weather Center in Norman, OK. Each session will start ~7:30pm and will run about 90 minutes (with a short break). Topics:

1. 2/3 Weather maps, soundings, and synoptic meteorology
2. 2/10 Severe storm ingredients: moisture and lapse rate sources
3. 2/17 Severe storm ingredients: lift and vertical shear sources
4. 3/3 Supercell and tornado conceptual models (+ parameters)
5. 3/10 Synoptic and mesoscale tornado patterns
6. 3/24 Convective mode
7. 4/7 Tornado parameter climatology
8. 4/14 Numerical models
9. 4/21 Real-time forecasting exercise

The workshop will be open to anyone that wants to attend, so feel free to share this information with anyone else you think might be interested. Also, we will attempt to live stream the sessions for anyone that can't make the trek to Norman. More details as they become available...
I'm extremely interested in a livestream. I'll sit and watch every single one of these. It's been years since I attended a workshop. And I'd love to polish up and learn some new things. Rich I'll definitely promote this on my podcast too.
Can a person attend just one or two, if they can't commit to the entire schedule? I'd love to sit in on at least one, if I can find a free day somewhere in my work schedule.
I can't attend, and I can't stream. My sole internet service is Verizon, so it's metered. I would pay for DVD's of recordings of this.
Also, looks like 9 weeks after 3 Feb goes to Mar 31. Is there some skip weeks?

1. 2/3 Weather maps, soundings, and synoptic meteorology
2. 2/10 Severe storm ingredients: moisture and lapse rate sources
3. 2/17 Severe storm ingredients: lift and vertical shear sources
4. 3/3 Supercell and tornado conceptual models (+ parameters)
5. 3/10 Synoptic and mesoscale tornado patterns
6. 3/24 Convective mode
7. 4/7 Tornado parameter climatology
8. 4/14 Numerical models
9. 4/21 Real-time forecasting exercise

Sure looks like it lol