Target Area Issue

Mark Blue

Feb 19, 2007
I read the sticky note on migrating users to the new profile and am starting a new thread because I cannot post to the NOW thread for today. I logged out and back in per the sticky and have been online for about an hour. I only post in the Target area on an occasional basis and have been a member since February 2007. I'll give it some more time, but I appreciate you putting the word out in the form of a sticky note as the "error message" kind of caught me by surprise! :eek:

Thanks Tim for letting us know.

I cannot post in the REPORTS thread, i get a message indicating 3 options, i went under my account and have no messages from the moderator or infractions.... i was going to post pictures from 3-23-09 Today but i can't!

It was something like:

1. Log out and back in or wait an hour and try again.

2. You are a new user and you need to let some time pass for your account to be approved, then you will have these privileges.

3. You may have had infractions and were suspended for not following the rules in the Target area.

Keep in mind it was about 3 or 4 hours ago and I'm operating from memory, but it was something similar to the above. My issue resolved itself and is more than likely related to the new profiles folks are being ported over to that Tim mentioned in his sticky note posted earlier today in the Target area.

I would also look at clearing your browser cache as well. phpBB has had many issues in the past with these exact type of issues and clearing your browser cache usually fixes it.
The counters are updated periodically as part of the board's automatically scheduled tasks.