Supercell Northwest Of Mankato Minnesota Monday, August 26, 2024

Aug 18, 2016
Mankato, Minnesota
When I left, this was simply a long outflow dominant line, & it was moving east/south east.
As far as I know, there wasn't any warnings/watches other than for excessive heat.

I drove 15 miles northwest, found a nice spot to film, & decided I'd let the storm come to me.
Figured I might get a nice bow echo shelf cloud time lapse. Shortly thereafter, I checked the radar & saw that the bottom 1/3 of the line had separated & abruptly changed directions.

At that point I went after it. I have a general understanding of supercells/tornadoes & S-L-I-M, but I’m no meteorologist.
Could someone here who is, explain how/why the separation occurred, & let me know if I'm right when I figure the direction change was caused by the cell developing rotation ?

*I tried to include 2 radar loops directly in the thread, but my file hosting site doesn't offer MP4’s.
Both loops are included @ the start of the YouTube video.
The separation, & abrupt direction change are most visible in the 2nd loop.

