Supercell in Stockholm

Aug 27, 2009
As I just mentioned in the other thread I woke up to a thunderstorm yesterday. We don't really get that many thunderstorms in Sweden, very few tornadoes (mostly water spouts) and very rarely any supercells. It seems however (I'm still waiting for a response from our national weather service) that the thunderstorm that made its way through Stockholm may have been a supercell. Some newspaper mentioned this.

Through the tip of storm track user moerkan I found these radar images from the event:

Watch video >

Although they don't really look like what you are used to from GRlevel it does show signs of rotation. There was a also a waterspout ("tornado") reported in the archipelago outside of Stockholm as can be seen here:

It's quite difficult to tell if it actually is a waterspout/tornado or not from this rather blurry video but it does seem to rotate so I believe it was. Interestingly enough, this movie was shot by one of our biggest ski stars in Sweden, two time Olympic gold medalist Pernilla Wiberg.

So, a rather unusual event from one of the typically, weather-wise, least eventful places on earth. I was quite happy to experience this :)

What's your take on this?
Wow, talk about going OT! LOL I listen to Eddie Trunk's Monday night radio show on Sirius-XM a lot (Rock/Metal... He hosts VH1's "That Metal Show" and is a walking encyclopedia of knowledge). Eddie often gets questions like this, and he always says the same thing:

"These musicians are hurting! If you're a fan of theirs, Google them and then check out their websites! It's so tough for bands to make a living these days. It's not the 80's anymore. Buy their newer CD's. Go see them in concert if possible!"
B1 & B2 are making musicals (Mamma Mia). A1 is a psychological mess, A2 I have no clue.

...aaaaaaand, we´re On Topic again :)

I've never really heard of MCV's but that does seem like it could have been. I've never seen this type of radar image on my chases, but on the other hand I don't often watch the radar motions animated.
B1 & B2 are making musicals (Mamma Mia). A1 is a psychological mess, A2 I have no clue.

...aaaaaaand, we´re On Topic again :)

I've never really heard of MCV's but that does seem like it could have been. I've never seen this type of radar image on my chases, but on the other hand I don't often watch the radar motions animated.

I assume A1 is Agnethia? Heard she was living in virtual seclusion in the countryside. Always loved Benny and Bjorn - they played with such enthusiasm and seemed genuinely happy when playing.

An MCV is basically a thunderstorm complex that rotates around a common center. Looks kind of like a tropical storm over land.