Supercell/Bow echo chase Czech republic

Tomas Pucik

Last Wednesday, an amazing weather situation evolved in Czech republic. Very severe thunderstorms have crossed most of the country, bringing widespread wind and hail damage to many places. One woman was killed and several others injured. Damage is extensive, its total cost unknown, but insurance companies are counting to hundreds of millions ( in our currency :) ) and some customers have been several days without electricity.

In this situation, several supercells were recorded and a bow echo MCS traversed approximately 500 kms. At the peak, lightning detection was showing outstanding 1000 ltg per 5 minutes! Damage is being asessed for possible tornadoes...

My friend were chasing this sup and captured both supercells and bow-echo squall line. They had outstanding experience and you can check out photos, videos and timelapses here:

Cheers from Slovakia...
Very nice structure in the pics and time lapses, Tomas. I like the large shelf threatening to carve out a new valley like a giant plow. :) Always interesting to see stuff from other continents.