Super Tuesday Tornado Relief Project

Sep 26, 2007
A high school student from Jonesboro, AR has designed and is selling T-shirts as a way of raising money for the tornado relief efforts here. The names of the affected communities in our TV viewing area appear on the back, along with a tornado design; the front says Recover : Rebuild : Region-8. (Region-8 is what our viewing area is known as.)

Here's a link to the story

And a video so you can see what the shirts look like.

For more info, you can contact via email at [email protected] (mention tornado recovery in the subject line)

or call 870-933-5891

The cost is $7 -- $5 of that goes to the cause.

Note: I inquired with a mod as to where this thread should be placed and was told it was my choice between here and the Marketplace. Since I'm not personally selling the shirts, I thought this was better.