Super-Res 88D Data Available!


Mar 1, 2004
Lansing, MI
If you tire of looking at the hi-res imagery being replayed out of the testbed radar near OKC, Paducah KY is now an active beta test site for the Build 10! Currently you only get an improved look at ground clutter :) but with storms possible later this week, it might make sense to make sure you have the latest version of GR2(or AE) installed.

Extensive documentation (really required reading, because things like the dbZ change will affect storm interpretation) at

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Thanks for posting, Rob.

Will the super res level 2 data automatically replace the current level 2 data in GR2? Or are there alternate sites listed? I was just wondering, since Paducah is a beta site.
It will automatically start, there will no longer be an "old style" Level II data once a site switches.

Next we'll be able to see is Minneapolis MPX on April 1st.
How will the new hi-res affect data feeds for GR2? I get my feed through Iowa State University. I read where Tyler Allison seems concerned about how he'll handle his feed.
There's concern, but since only two sites will be using it over the next few months I'm sure there is time to fully incorporate.
Both GRLevel2 and GR2Analyst support multiple live L2 sources. It would be great if a handful of other universities could put a few of the L2 sites on their servers. That way, users could put those servers into their source list and take some of the burden off

Second-hand info from the IEM admin, but he feels that their servers will be able to handle the load. We'll see as more and more sites spin up over the next few months.
Second-hand info from the IEM admin, but he feels that their servers will be able to handle the load. We'll see as more and more sites spin up over the next few months.
I'm sure that their computers can handle the load. I'm more concerned about the increased bandwidth usage raising a red flag at -- resulting in the L2 server getting cut off. No one wants that to happen.

Here's a thought. The new NWC in Norman must have big pipes to the internet and they already get a prime LDM feed. Seems like they could put together a couple of servers and help out.

I'm sure that their computers can handle the load. I'm more concerned about the increased bandwidth usage raising a red flag at -- resulting in the L2 server getting cut off. No one wants that to happen.

Here's a thought. The new NWC in Norman must have big pipes to the internet and they already get a prime LDM feed. Seems like they could put together a couple of servers and help out.

HAHAHA...Mike this is's ALWAYS someone else's job to do it. Further, if requires money ($$$)....good luck! :rolleyes:
The new NWC in Norman must have big pipes to the internet and they already get a prime LDM feed. Seems like they could put together a couple of servers and help out.

At least from the academic side of things our pipe to the internet is extremely poor. It's a pain in the butt trying to get research data in and out of that place let alone serving up radar data.

The other issue is with IRADS being an OU entity, they won't give anything away for free.

Yuma AZ is now Super-Res, but until they upgrade the bandwidth early April we can't see the pretty pictures...

nous65 kpsr 182023
message date: mar 18 2008 20:23:03
kyux radar is operating on build 10. 0. level ii users will receive recombined data until noaanet is installed at phoenix wfo sometime in the first two weeks in april.
Yuma AZ is now Super-Res, but until they upgrade the bandwidth early April we can't see the pretty pictures...
You would think they would be focusing more on the sites out in and around tornado valley, but that would be too logical, I guess.

Rdale: Do you have a list of the future or upcoming sites that will be high resolution? I know they all will be eventually, but do they have a set list of dates when the sites will be upgraded?

3/19 - South Kauai, Hawaii (No Level II)
3/25 - Edwards AFB, CA (No Level II)
4/1 - Minneapolis, MN

Assuming all goes as planned, deployment nationwide begins May 5 and as we approach that date we'll get a rundown for who gets it when... Should be completed by July at the latest.