Warren Faidley
I'm a little dismayed that Stormtrack has begun "censoring" posts they find objectionable because they wish to protect specific individuals based on personal opinions, not editorial content.
Freedom of speech is protected under the First Amendment. This includes parodies and pokes concerning public figures, especially when such comments, no matter how silly, are based on reality. Are we to assume that some chasers have reached Muhammad status? Are posts that center on problem chasers, fakes or misbehavior to be removed or locked because the editor(s) are friends with such individuals or have some obsession with them?
I'm not saying gross personal insults or false information should be allowed, but banning comical or editorial posts that have a basis in truth is a slippery slope towards censorship. This very problem caused many veteran chasers to leave Stormtrack.
Freedom of speech is protected under the First Amendment. This includes parodies and pokes concerning public figures, especially when such comments, no matter how silly, are based on reality. Are we to assume that some chasers have reached Muhammad status? Are posts that center on problem chasers, fakes or misbehavior to be removed or locked because the editor(s) are friends with such individuals or have some obsession with them?
I'm not saying gross personal insults or false information should be allowed, but banning comical or editorial posts that have a basis in truth is a slippery slope towards censorship. This very problem caused many veteran chasers to leave Stormtrack.