stormcellers during a tornado

J.K Oudshoorn


I have a question about stormcellers... as our stormceller's door is very weak and has a great chance to be opened by a passing tornado...

Our stormceller is quite big.. but my question is... if there is a tornado going over my stormceller... and I'm in it.. is there a chance to be sucked out of the celler? have such things ever been reported? i would like to know.. because tomorrow there is a chance for significant tornadoes in my area.

I'm just a starting chaser :)


I can't hold any longer...... You've been watching to much Twister.

As for being sucked out, I can't scientifically answer your question, though I would think you wouldn't have to be worried about being sucked out, and even if I am wrong and that is an issue, I would say your better off taken your chances than being at ground level.
Koos- the probability/frequency of any tornado hitting a particular house is about once every 2,000 years; even in the heart of tornado alley. Unfortunately this is why we chasers spend thousands of dollars and log thousands of miles each year rather than simply pulling out a lawn chair and cooler.
I would say

I think the main point to get out of the debris field. As most chasers have seen after chasing any tornado event, it's usually a mess of broken trees, house remnants, and other dangerous item that at the time of the tornado passing, picked up and sent flying at 60mph plus.

Any cellar that is below ground (or a basement, culvert, etc.) that takes you out of that debris field is good.

I doubt there is a "suction" factor in your case, but I would replace that old door with a better one, preferrable a steel door, with a piano style hinge anchored well to the structure it's attached to. That said, I don't know if anyone has ever study the wind dynamics of such a possibility, so I'll leave a minor probability of it happening (unless someone points out a specific study for such).

Bottom line: Be safe. Do whatever you can to protect life an property.