Shawn Gossman
Howdy all,
I got this new website idea that i wanted to tell you all about. Its at and I want to make it where each blog post is either a guest blog from another storm chaser to even me posting an interview (online email interview or youtube video answer questions type interview) of another chaser.
At this time, since it is new, I am looking for guest bloggers and people to interview. As long as you make a good blog or interview, you may freely advertise your website or product or books/videos and etc.
The actual domain name is a set of keywords that show potential SEO greatness and I am a DMOZ editor so you can bet it will be posted on there. I just think it has the potential to become a popular website if everyone wants to help out
Plus this is all free of course.
Let me know if you are interested at all!
I got this new website idea that i wanted to tell you all about. Its at and I want to make it where each blog post is either a guest blog from another storm chaser to even me posting an interview (online email interview or youtube video answer questions type interview) of another chaser.
At this time, since it is new, I am looking for guest bloggers and people to interview. As long as you make a good blog or interview, you may freely advertise your website or product or books/videos and etc.
The actual domain name is a set of keywords that show potential SEO greatness and I am a DMOZ editor so you can bet it will be posted on there. I just think it has the potential to become a popular website if everyone wants to help out
Plus this is all free of course.
Let me know if you are interested at all!