Storm Chaser teachers needed

Ron Shawley

Hello Friends
I hope they allow me to post htis question and request. We are starting an educational web site whereby we can teach children about not only the weather but storm chasing. We have ober 5 million students in North America that are online at any given time. Please Read the following cover letter as it explains in detail our mission, and how we need your help.
:)Over the past several months I have been working on a site on the internet where students can go to learn about science, photography, videography, history and the weather in a safe, fun, and exciting environment. AccuKidz is the result of these efforts and is online as a part of Everything on AccuKidz is totally FREE! This is the lette we send to teachers, but it still applies to you. :)

I would like to invite you to form a Storm Tracker Weather Team on A team can have as little as one member. Each Weather Team can upload photos they have taken, videos of local interest or even of anything that interests the Team. Other Teams members come to the site, rate the photos and comment on them, building excitement among the teams. Each Team has an area where they can post weather information, news, whatever is going on with their Team and where they live. Teams also can keep in touch with each other on the fully moderated AccuKidz Forum. AccuWeather meteorologists will be posting educational blogs, youth spokesperson videos are being filmed, and video industry leader Pinnacle is offering free use of their products to student Teams along with instructions on how to use the products. They will be sponsoring online contests as time goes on.
You may form as many teams within your school as you like, and even sponsor contests within your school with the teams. AccuKidz strives to help students learn in a fun way. We are even offering free tours of the AccuWeather facilities in State College, PA. As a PTO member I know we are always looking for great field trips at an affordable rate. This is both educational and fun, and the students can meet their favorites from AccuWeather and!
All web site submissions, including comments, photos, videos and forum posts are moderated to keep it safe for students. Nothing appears on the site without being approved first by one of the AccuKidz Moderators.

The project has begun in the USA but we are inviting students from other nations to participate as well. This will allow interaction with students of other countries and will provide a unique learning experience for all involved. We also are inviting military families to participate as a way to keep in touch with other students and each other.
Weather Teams may upload as many photos and videos as they would like. There is no bandwith limitations and AccuWeather’s servers are closely monitored. Check out some of the submissions on AccuWeather's Photo Gallery HERE.

AccuKidz Weather Teams may choose any Team name they like. They do not need to post their photos or use their own names. You do not need to purchase anything to make or join a Team, it is totally free. The word “TEAMâ€￾ must be part of your title.

My intention is to gain excitement for the website and to help students from around the world learn about each other and the worlds they live in. If you have any questions or suggestions please email me at [email protected]
We ask that you make sure your sign up for both the Photo Gallery (This is your team page.) and the Forums site. Also note you must upload at least one picture to activate your team page.
Please email your questions to me at [email protected]
Thank you and I’ll be looking for you on ACCUKIDZ!

Becky Marie 814- 410-6033 Call ANYTIME