While I'm not a fan of Reed Timmer, after watching the full YouTube video, I can see how that might have sprung up on them unexepectedly. It's not like there was a mothership rotating wall cloud with huge vertical motion and cloud tags zooming up into it. You can tell he wasn't exactly sure what was going on because he goes back and forth between calling it a gustnado and a tornado, and from the video I agree it is not at all obvious.
I was on this Tornado. Reed drove right past me to get closer to it. Over a hundred chasers had been following this storm for over an hour. There was a small gustnado (or possibly weak and brief tornado) before the main one dropped. Being a little further back, I really thought it was going to be multi-vortex. The other problem (if you look at the photo I took) is that the tornado hit the ground far from where the cloud circulation was.
Reed and his team thought they were at a safe distance (they were near the center of rotation of the main tornado while watching the smaller one). Their biggest mistake was lack of situational awareness. Had they just looked up, they would have seen the actual tornado forming right above their heads.
In Eric Treece's video (the first half), you can see the smaller rotation that everybody was watching. In the second half of Eric's video (after he switches to a different camera), you can see the main tornado moving away from the Dominator. The power lines were still up right behind it (the tornado knocked down power lines a few minutes later), so the tornado was very weak and just forming when it hit. I could be wrong, but after watching Eric's video, viewing some photos and video that weren't published, and talking with some of the people who were chasing with Reed, I believe the tornado did in fact his Reed and his team just as it was forming.
Reed did get injured by the way. First, the Dominator was completely covered in mud. Reed was offering $500 to anybody who would be willing to clean the inside of the car. Second, on Sunday Reed went to the hospital for pink eye. The doctor found something interesting in his eye. Turned out it wasn't mud that hit Reed and caked his car... it was horse manure. Let's just say it was a "crappy" situation for Reed and his team.
There is a lesson to be learned here... practice situational awareness at all times.