John Hudson
Today the Manitoba Government unveiled its flood forecast for spring this year, and while there are more than a few unknown variables that enter the mix, such as speed of spring melting and snowfall accumulations in the interim, the outlook is already grim.
Within the city, the Red River is currently six feet above normal levels for this time of the year. In 2010, we received more precipitation to date than in 1997, just before the Flood of the Century.
We have since had the floodway significantly expanded to protect the city, but with all else being equal I believe regions south of Winnipeg and extending far into North Dakota will indeed be under serious threat to an extended and damaging flood this spring. In fact, if I lived in Fargo or Grand Forks, I would be starting to look at relocating any treasured household possessions.
My brother in Minneapolis tells me he has never seen so much snow in the Twin Cities as he has this season.
Within the city, the Red River is currently six feet above normal levels for this time of the year. In 2010, we received more precipitation to date than in 1997, just before the Flood of the Century.
We have since had the floodway significantly expanded to protect the city, but with all else being equal I believe regions south of Winnipeg and extending far into North Dakota will indeed be under serious threat to an extended and damaging flood this spring. In fact, if I lived in Fargo or Grand Forks, I would be starting to look at relocating any treasured household possessions.
My brother in Minneapolis tells me he has never seen so much snow in the Twin Cities as he has this season.