Sony HDR-HC1

Apr 26, 2005
North Carolina
Hey all, I am selling my Sony HDR-HC1 video camera.
This camera has served me quite well over the last three years, and now it is time for me to upgrade.
I won't go into tons of details, but enough that if you are interested, you can just pm me with any questions and I will be happy to answer them!

Here is what I can tell you about the unit for sale

this HD video camera takes great video. The specs can be found here: Video specs

The camera comes with the camera itself. a telephoto and wide angel lens. 2 lens filters 2 large capacity batteries. The charger, 2 sony memory sticks. The original strap and video cables.

This camera does have a firewire port and can be used for streaming (if your laptop has a firewire port)

Note: This unit has had the moisture sensor warning show up on it a few times. I have found that a simple q-tip wipe of the sensor fixes this issue, but I have heard repairs of the sensor itself can be done for approx. $150.

For the reason listed above, I have decided to lower the cost of the unit from what I have seen on other sites.

Price is set at $450.00

Here is a picture of the whole package that is being sold.

Please contact me via pm if you are interested, or want more information/pictures as I will be more than happy to provide them to you.

This unit is not on ebay as of yet. I wanted to see if a fellow chaser might be interested before I went "public" with the sale of the unit.

Thanks for looking!
