Software -- Weather station tables

Dec 4, 2003
I thought I would check with anyone who dabbles in programming or has products out there and uses weather station tables.

I am working on the next Digital Atmosphere version this week and have decided to produce a highly standardized, comprehensive worldwide station table that is essentially public domain and which anyone can use and reproduce at any time without any restriction. It will probably be in CSV format and will bring together the existing DA table and some data merges from the WBAN, some international sources, and so forth, and have each row cross-referenced with all identifiers, date boundaries, etc.

Weather Graphics will probably remain the source for the "official" version. A few of my key users are already maintain the Dig. Atm. station table, bringing it up to date continuously based on NWSTG bulletins, WMO changes, and so forth, and this would bring this task toward a more worthwhile and beneficial purpose. One problem we have of course is that there are a multitude of sources, formats, and varying data quality (see ).

So if you refer to station tables in your work or hobbies, consider this as an invite to speak out and let me know where you'd like to see this go.
