So I downloaded GRLevel3 trial...

Aug 20, 2009
I figured out how to select colorado, but right now I am looking at a black map with green lines (I am assuming counties) What I think is I25 and I70 in read and a big light blue splatter that is moving off to the west.

Not the typical map I am used to looking at, maps like Wundermap and the weather channel. Needless to say... :eek:

What have I gotten my self into? I am pretty sure there is not much going on here in Colorado, but I have NO clue to what I am doing with this software. I think this may be a bit more then simply looking at the wundermap.

Bottom line? I have no clue to what I am doing with this software LOL. Some stuff I can make out, like storm tracks and mesocyclones, but the "Composite Reflectivity" I have no idea what that means. I guess what I am asking is, where is a good place to start?
Basic radar interpretation is a good place to start. Learn how to read basic radar and dont be afraid to play around with the software. I'm at work right now, but I'm off the next 4 days. I'd be glad to help you out with the radar software. I've had it for years so I'm pretty well versed with it. Pm me and I'll help you out.
Thanks :)
I just joined the forum there.

I installed GRLevel3 on both my netbook and PC so I can screw with it more. I am a bit nervous that the maps may not work on the net book, or I may bog it down adding stuff to it.
Well, I got roads now, well north east and south east :D On both my desk top and netbook. Also got the small map. The roads help alot, LOL at least I know where I am now.

Thats for later on when you have it up and running man. Basically it shows where everyone who is online at spotternetwork is on Grlevel3. It's very useful for finding your position and others. Again, when you get the software down pat here's what you do to put this in:
go to the "Windows" tab on the top bar of the radar page. Click "show placefile" to open the placefile manager. Then when you have the placefile manager open, click on the little folder with the arrow arcing over it and then paste the above link into the bar that comes up. Then you have the spotter network overlay :)
Slowly getting the hang of the software. I just need to take it out of the house and test it, some where close by (like Deer Trail) that I could probably rope some one in to taking me to make sure my verizon 3G service will work there, and I am waiting for some weather to roll in so I can figure things out a bit better :)
Slowly getting the hang of the software. I just need to take it out of the house and test it, some where close by (like Deer Trail) that I could probably rope some one in to taking me to make sure my verizon 3G service will work there, and I am waiting for some weather to roll in so I can figure things out a bit better :)

Hi Allan,

No need to wait for weather to roll in. Just fire it up and check out weather in other parts of the country. There's bound to be some good action tomorrow afternoon/evening. Just start playing with all of the features and you'll start to get the hang of it.

Good luck and let us know what your specific questions are -- we'll do our best to help you out.

Still figuring things out


Let me see if I got this right: The cell is moving toward Brighton / Broomfield. The little green triangle is a hail core. When I moused over it, it gave me some number, like 30% for POSH 100% for POH and hail .50" in diameter.

The anvil is fairly large, I can see it from the arsenal
Well, I pulled the trigger and sent payment for GRLevel 3

Hope yahoo don't send my code to the trash bin before I get it :eek:

EDIT: Yahoo did not trash my code :D
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Congratulations on your purchase.... I hope you enjoy it, just don't get too addicted.