Scott's Blog: Choosing A Datacard/Tether For Chasing

This is great info. I've been trying to figure out the cheapest way possible without having to deal with crappy connections, and it has come down to either getting the Verizon air card on a month to month basis or tethering my blackberry phone, which I just completed the setup in able to do so just in case. I'm with T-mobile and they have the $15 a month for 200mb plan available now or unlimited for $30 and both with no contract required if I tether...but I'm concerned about the coverage. Or it's $60 a month or so plus air card purchase with no contract but much more reliable service.

I'll probably go with the data card, but it sure is tempting to tether for less than $100 for the chase season for data.
You fail to mention PdaNet for Android (or other phones too) which is free and requires no chaseroot. You just cannot do https unless you purchase for $23.95 but currently on sale for $15.95.

Also with many Verizon Smart Phones such as my Droid Incredible, you can enable a wifi hotspot for just $20 per month and add the service only for the months needed.