Rocky's SDS relief party moved to Saturday February 7th

Jul 17, 2004
Piedmont, OK
Due to the Tulsa chaser party on Jan 31rst, I will be moving my get together to the following Saturday February 7th.. 1pm until late evening at my farm near Piedmont, Oklahoma. This will be a bring your own food and drink.. however I will have some food as well. I'll have the grill ready to go if you want to bring some burgers or hot dogs. Bring an edited DVD for us to enjoy on the big screen HD TV.

As I stated in my initial post, I do have a brother in law who is ill and is currently in hospital in Tulsa.. This may have a bearing on the get together happening so be monitoring ST for the latest updates in case he takes a turn for the worse.

Hopefully we can pull this off as last year we were remodeling and did not have a winter get together. Let me know if you plan on coming so I'll have an idea how many may show.

As always, it's an honour and pleasure to host these parties every year, so my family and I look forward in seeing you. Directions can be found by typing in my address 5504 Hall Road. NW Piedmont, Okla. 73078. You'll be able to get directions through Mapquest or Google.
Wish I could make it. Rocky, thanks so much for moving your party back for our Tulsa fest! You guys have a good time!
I'll be there. Looking forward to the first get together at Rocky's!!!
Chaser gathering update

Everything is still on for this Saturday Feb. 7th 1pm until mid evening. This will be a little different whereas you can bring food for the grill and pop, snacks, etc. Bring a dvd if you like or I have a vast library tapes and dvd's to choose from.

You can plug in my address and get directions off of google maps or mapquest
Google has a very cool feature where it has images of literally every foot going down the road so it should be easy to find your way here. Contact info and address is below. Call me if you for any further info. Look forward in seeing you if you can make it.

Address: 5504 Hall Road NW
Piedmont, Okla. 73078

Home ph: 405.373.5097
Cell ph: 405.226.2996
The SDS relief party is on for thisafternoon at 1pm here at the farm near Piedmont, OK despite a couple of cancellations. It should be a small but quaint gathering. Refer to the post above for directions or give me a call.
Hope you can make it.

Thanks to Rocky, Dee, and Leif for yet another Rascovich Bash that was a wonderful success. Special thanks to Dee who once again went above and beyond on the food/prep and had a ton of delicious items waiting for us hungry chasers....we really do appreciate all your hard work!!!!

Thanks also to all my fellow chasers who were there to share great fun, laughs, stories, and knowledge.
I second Shane with a huge thank you. I was thrilled to see Rocky's May 3, 99 video too.
JR, did you and the mule kiss and make up? Long story, don't ask....
Thanks to all who showed up. It was a small but vibrant group. A huge thanks to my awesome wife Dee who was the backbone of making it a success that it always is.

Looking forward in seeing everyone under a meso this chase season, but preferably not watching it from my farm!:D
