Rockies Direct Connect amplifier special

Dec 7, 2006
Buffalo , NY
I have a special running on the Rockies amplifier ( strongest direct connect amplifier on the market ) running at the Howard Forums . Here is a link to the thread with all the Special details.

Ever wonder how the pros stay connected with their cellular carrier while chasing and stream live Video when you cannot even make a phone call ? More than likely they are using a Rockies direct connect cellular amplifier.
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This one won't work for my phone (Epic 4G Touch/Galaxy S II) though, right? Unless will it work with an RF coupler? I do have a car dock already (charging and audio, it's not just a holder), so I could just mount a patch coupler to it maybe? Would you recommend going that route or the Traveler route? Price aside, and I understand the Rockies will only serve one device, which one would work the best? Does one have an advantage over the other as far as the tech?
With the epic you could use the induction cradle for your phone . The traveller is a much better solution for that device as no cradle or physical connection is needed with the device.
Like I said, I already have the docking cradle for this phone that puts the phone into car mode, and provides power-in and audio-out.. So the Cfyre cradle is out.. Like I said, if it came down to it, I would use one of the patch-style couplers on the back of the cradle - it's only about 2-3mm thick plastic, so I don't see it interfering that bad with induction. That in mind, what would be the performance difference?

This is what I have:



Key to induction patch is the actual placement . Make sure it is exactly mounted over the internal antenna on the back of the phone . Need to find out from carrier or phone manufacturer exact location. What makes cradle easier is induction adapter is the size of the cradle so it covers the whole back of the phone.
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