A Brown, Nice find on the retainer kit. I will definately keep that in mind.
I am also using the poles inline, not just at the rigrunner, and have built "extension cords" as I do not know what rental vehicle I get and the unique requirements of each. I have removed cig lighter connectors from many power cords and installed power poles instead.
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR ALL: the fuses coming from the factory on the rigrunners may not be the appropriate size for what you might be plugging into the socket. This does not just apply to the outputs, but inputs as well. In my situation, all of my source feeds to the rigrunner are fused at 10amp. The input on the rigrunner is also fused at 10amp. If a devise plugged into the rigrunner has an internal 2amp fuse, then the output I have it plugged into is like fused at 2amp. Have extra fuses with you too. I purchased a little plastic compartment bin at home depot, and carry an assortment of the fuses, both standard (for the rigrunner) and mini as most of the latest vehicles are using that type, if not the standard. Fuses are designed to blow if they are overpowered, rather than cause a short and/or fire. If you overfuse the system, your protection is deminished. USE the right fuse, not the most convenient.
In rental cars, I dont have the luxury of going through the firewall and directly to the battery itself. I have also purchased one of these in both standard and mini version.
I have removed the blue one time crimp connecter and installed a red powerpole connector on both sizes. Also note that proper installation of this is needed as there is a right way and a wrong way to plug it in. The instructions are very clear. Likewise, I have made different styles of negative connector that can be screwed or clamped at a convenient location where a good solid ground can be found. There is also another option for taping off the fuse block.
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31DZW5K8EZL._SL500_AA280_.jpg coupled with a fuse holder like this
http://memimage.cardomain.com/ride_images/2/4106/681/22762840010_large.jpg will also work fine when properly installed and fused as indicated above.
Proper wire size or gauge is also important. Use the proper gauge for the amount of current each devise needs. Over fusing very tiny wire is a fire waiting to happen.
Last but not least, these fuses are little and hard to get your fingers on, especially when you are on your back, in low light, head smashed against the brake pedal. A fuse tester and puller are important to get the job done fast and effeciently.
http://images.lowes.com/product/converted/051712/051712597203md.jpg This type of unit is a great investment. My yellow tester/puller as shown in the pic works with both standard and mini fuses.
Dont go chasing with out it.
Above all, stay safe and happy chasing.