Random Photo

Oct 10, 2004
Madison, WI
This is my favorite of the limited collection of thunderstorm photos and video stills I have so far. It's of part of a thunderstorm shelf cloud approaching the Fox River in De Pere, WI, south of Green Bay.

My web site with the rest of my weather photos and pseudo-chase accounts is here: http://sphs.angeltowns.net/A_R_Wehrle/svrwx.html

In the next couple years I hope to start actually chasing storms, from forecast to positioning to intercept. First I have to get my driver's license...I know, I know I must be the only 18-year-old male in the entire United States without one. It just didn't seem like a priority for most of high school. Then the Madison tornado touched down within a 30-minute drive from my house on June 23rd this past summer...ARRGH!

Note: Edited to update links to my new site.
Nice shelf cloud/storm.

A quote from that page:

This day was certainly a valuable lesson to me. Even the slightest bit of potential is worth paying attention to. Any day with potential, no matter how slight, may result in something spectacular...in my case the most beautiful storm I've ever had the privilege to see and photograph.

Yes, I've seen the most amazing displays on these types of days. I actually had a similar thing happen the very day of your storm here. Crazy weather.....