Joel Wright
Here's a question for the radar experts around here. This image is from June 28, 1998 when a strong mesovortex passed right over the town of Erie, IL causing extensive tree damage. (This is several years before I moved here). I had always heard about how bad this storm was, and decided to look it up in the archived data.
Anyway, as you watch the loop, you can see the green colors (in bound) show up right in the center of the red (out bound). What would cause this? Wouldn't this imply the wind was blowing towards the radar, from the east? This doesn't look right at all. Wind should have been blowing from the west or northwest on the south side of the mesovortex. There shouldn't be any green (in bound) winds in this area. You can see some green further north where you'd expect to see it, northeast of the mesovortex. Is this because the velocities are above the 60kt max on the legend? That's the only thing I can think of that would explain it. I doubt wind is moving perpendicular to the radar beam (either north or south) due to the location of the green just south of the mesovortex.
Anyway, just kind of curious. I don't recall seeing in bound velocities showing up in the center of outbound velocities before. Any help is appreciated.

Anyway, as you watch the loop, you can see the green colors (in bound) show up right in the center of the red (out bound). What would cause this? Wouldn't this imply the wind was blowing towards the radar, from the east? This doesn't look right at all. Wind should have been blowing from the west or northwest on the south side of the mesovortex. There shouldn't be any green (in bound) winds in this area. You can see some green further north where you'd expect to see it, northeast of the mesovortex. Is this because the velocities are above the 60kt max on the legend? That's the only thing I can think of that would explain it. I doubt wind is moving perpendicular to the radar beam (either north or south) due to the location of the green just south of the mesovortex.
Anyway, just kind of curious. I don't recall seeing in bound velocities showing up in the center of outbound velocities before. Any help is appreciated.

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