Radar data from KFDR on 16 May 2015

Jeff Duda

site owner, PhD
Staff member
Site owner
Oct 7, 2008
Denver, CO
Recall the significant tornado that traveled between Elmer and Snyder, OK on this day. It passed pretty close to the KFDR site. My own recollection of seeing level 3 data as I was chasing it suggested KFDR would provide an impressive data set. However, for whatever reason, those data are not available on NCDC's NEXRAD archive, level II OR III.

Did anyone save any NEXRAD data from that event or know a different source of data? Level II is preferable, but I would take level III. NOTE: I know MMM archives radar mosaics, but I want the actual data, not an image.
The website says the archive only goes back 10 days. Is that wrong?
I believe the 10 day window is the standard, but in some cases I've noticed they retain certain days for a much longer period. Here is what I currently see. I'm not sure how long these "Ready For Download" files stick around though.

By the way, in case one of the AH guys sees this post, I think it would be great to have the ability to cherry pick volume scan files one at a time similar to what you can do with the Iowa State radar archive. That way you don't have to download an entire day's worth of data.
Did you eventually manage to get the data Jeff? I'd be very interested in having them for a documentary but they're obviously not available anymore at AllisonHouse...
Did you eventually manage to get the data Jeff? I'd be very interested in having them for a documentary but they're obviously not available anymore at AllisonHouse...

Yes, I have KFDR volume scans between 2138 and 0058 UTC on that day. Would you like to work out a means of transferring them?
Oh man, I've been dieing to get my hands on that 5-16 KFDR data as well. From my emails with the NCDC guys, I had given up hope. Jeff, would it be possible to send that data my way as well? I'll PM.

Also, am I correct to infer that a "Rondez-vous" season 3 is on the way!?!?!?!