Quotes wanted for Storm Chasing Handbook revision

Dec 4, 2003
The Storm Chasing Handbook, after 6 years of aging, is going through a long-awaited revision (probably more accurately called an "update") and the plan is to strip out all the margin quotations and replace them with new ones.

If you'd like to be quoted, then contact me at the link below and advise me what areas you specialize in... that way I'm not asking you to write an ode to a rainbow when your chase involves cell phones, HD cameras, and scanners. I'll send a unique set of questions to you, and you can answer one or more of them.

This is for established chasers only. If your quote is used you'll get a free copy of the book.

Also anyone who wants to contribute good storm pictures (or better yet peripheral pictures of the chase experience), and can accept a Paypal payment or offer use of the photo gratis, let me know.

Email is strongly preferred as it will be a bit difficult managing the correspondence in the PM system; just use the form at: http://www.weathergraphics.com/contact


i would ask ya if you wanna use the pics of my truck in ur book but i dont know, nothing there to talk about with plain pics, let me know when the 2nd copy comes out i will buy it in a heart beat!:D
Thanks all... I've gotten a lot of replies and have barely begun to answer them all. I'm still working on revisions and trying to identify what areas I need help in. If I haven't gotten to you, just hold tight.

Nine months later I'm resurrecting this thread as significant work on the 2nd Edition of Storm Chasing Handbook is continuing once again. I want to get quotes and anecdotes from as wide a cross section of the chase community as possible. If there's a specific area of chasing you feel you have good expertise in, let me know, otherwise I will ask you a couple of unique questions (and if you don't like them, you can ask for different questions). Even if you're a new chaser but DO have some experience, that's fine; there's a whole range of topics I am covering.

Also I have a need for photographs inline with the text (printed in monochrome, up to 4 x 6" 300 dpi) -- you will get full credit and a website acknowledgment. Just advise me what you want for compensation if I use your material and where the pics are that I can choose from. "Chaser doing something interesting" shots are particularly welcome.

To respond click here to PM me directly:

or email me at: http://www.weathergraphics.com/contact

Finally if you feel that you have a website with noteworthy, useful EDUCATIONAL or INFORMATIONAL content concerning chasing (rather than just galleries) please let me know so I can consider adding it as a resource in the book, and you can get some free traffic that way.

If you and I had a discussion back in January, we'll have to start from scratch again as I got pretty disorganized once too many pans went on the fire and the project went on hiatus... some of your quotes made it into the draft successfully, but I believe there were about 10 or 20 people that I failed to follow up with and I do apologize.

Thanks once again for helping with this badly-needed revision!

This is a last call for any individual who wants their work or their quotes to be used in the Storm Chasing Handbook project. Final writing work is being done this weekend and the project is being closed out next week. I have had about 30 people respond so far, which is kind of difficult to manage just in itself and not counting all the layout/writing work, so if for some reason I didn't contact you or reply it is not intentional -- please contact me again. Also some of you have not answered back on my interview questions; I'll try to contact you individually.

If you are offering photos, that's awesome and I still have room. It's extremely helpful if you point me to your gallery and inform me what you are asking in compensation, since I have to work quickly and keep track of all the contributions. I am willing to pay a fair amount if it's taken into consideration that I'm only printing monochrome... thus $200+ rates for non-prime pictures are not really something I'm willing to put money down on. Be aware that I am not looking for tornado masterpieces or any low-contrast pictures -- I'm looking primarily for shots of equipment, instructive/educational angles on storms, and pictures of chasers doing their thing.

Last call! This offer extends to everyone, as long as you've got actual chase experience.


Tim Vasquez
The project is being closed out and I have a final "grab bag" for questions. If you want your name in the book or want to share some knowledge with others, here's your chance. Just answer one or more of the questions and e-mail your response to [email protected] (please avoid replying on the forum or using PM if possible as it's harder for me to organize those responses). All contributors whose quote or picture appears in the book gets a free copy (signed if you prefer).

These angles are still needed. The questions are intentionally ambiguous to avoid leading anyone into a particular angle on the subject.

* How has amateur radio helped you -- or do you have any tips for getting started? (about 100-200 words)

* What are some odds and ends you like to carry on the chase? (about 100 words)

* What is a characteristic of the tornado that you find intriguing? (about 50-100 words)

* What was the most spectacular lightning you've ever seen? (about 100 words)

* When did you realize that soundings made a big difference in your forecast? (about 50 words)

* Do you have any anecdotes on how boundary/flow orientations impacted (or adversely impacted) a particular chase? (about 50-100 words)

* What is an Internet data source you particularly like for forecasting? (about 50-100 words)

* Do you have any experiences or anecdotes about reporting severe weather by telephone? (about 50-100 words)

* Is night chasing something you recommend, and what would be one or two reasons why or why not? (about 100 words)

* Can you relate an anecdote from one of your chases about a driving accident or near-accident not related to hydroplaning? (about 50-100 words)

* What is a safety rule you swear by that you'd like to share with newer chasers? (about 50-100 words)

* Relate an experience you've had relating to minor injuries from insects, plants, or other causes from nature while chasing. (about 50-100 words)

* Why do you like (or don't like) chasing in Oklahoma, east Kansas? Experiences, etc. (about 50-100 words)


I do find I have a need for chaser amateur radio, GPS, or cellular related pictures (mostly amateur radio) -- if you have any please let me know with a gallery location or samples and what you'd like as compensation.

