Jack Carlson
Question for you all…. Over the years I have always been interested in storms, unfortunately I have only had the opportunity to experience a couple chases and those occurred locally, a spur of the moment deal with no knowledge on what too look for… Finding myself more interested in storms and having a basic grasp on what to look for, safety wise and meteorologically, I feel that I am at the point where I might be able to venture out locally. The main issue or what is preventing me from chasing is that I am now a father and my wife is not too thrilled with the idea of me running around the county looking for something she feels is dangerous… I have never been over the top in my interest in storms so I can see why she might think this is just a momentary hobby or thrill… Any thoughts on how I might approach this with her? I feel that I am a considerate husband and if this is just something that she cannot live with, I guess, it would be fine with being a home base storm viewer. But like I said, it would be nice to get out locally a few times a year…
Thanks in advance, Jack.
Thanks in advance, Jack.