Poor nations want U.S. to pay reparations for extreme weather

It'll all be included in your "Global Tax" the United Nations aims for us to pay.

Ahh yes - Agenda 22.

(Conspiracy freaks keep talking about Agenda 21 -- that's just a ploy by Obama and the UN to take over Oklahoma and cut it off from the rest of the US. Agenda 22 is where we are really going to be hurt...)
This doesn't surprise anybody. Just send the bill to the US and they will pay it like they pay for everything else. Next I wouldn't be surprise to hear that the countries that are releasing their citizens to immigrate here because we give these people free money, food and housing for doing so when our citizens wouldn't qualify for this type of aid would ask us to pay if someone gets hit on the head with a hail stone.
Correct, this is a weather site. However, the main focus of the article was other countries trying to get money from us. Now, on to the weather.....
I'd like to know how they plan to quantify climate change induced severe weather vs. normal extreme weather. Tropical cyclones in the Pacific? Totally climate change. That never happens.

I just find it to be an odd thing to think about.
Basically, we realize that some weather or climate related topics are inherently tied to politics or government oversight, e.g., climate change, carbon taxes, NOAA/NWS funding, legislating chasing or lack thereof, and certain regulations on businesses and industries that, when tied to environmental factors, inherently becomes a political football. This is basically addressed in the FAQ under the forum usage guidelines.

Rule #3: Off-limit Topics & Forum-Specific Rules Controversial topics will be closely monitored if they occur outside of "The Bears Cage". Political and religious related discussion are not allowed in any other forum except the The Bears Cage. Several forums have their own specific rules posted as sticky threads. In the future these forum specific rules will be relocated to the Resources section in the main menu.

Essentially we want users to be free to discuss issues as adults. Don't expect everyone to agree with your position, whatever it might be. Some ancillary political commentary, if tied to legitimate weather or climate related topics, is generally permitted, provided that it doesn't go ad hominem and an overall environment of civility is maintained. That appears to be working here for the most part. We'd rather have a healthy balance where those topics can be discussed by adults without censure, for weather or climate related purposes, all other factors remaining constant as noted above, with blatantly partisan political or sectarian religious topics (non-weather or climate related) reserved for "The Bear's Cage." In reality, that has to be evaluated on a case by case basis outside of the "The Bear's Cage."