Photography: How well do you know Color?

Aug 17, 2008
Cupertino CA & Storm Lake IA
Take this test - more like a game - to check the acuity of your eyes.
Actually, it's a lot of fun and it will try your abilities to separate colors.
Any photo buff will appreciate the value in this "TEST".
This isn't a definitive test for colorblindness; but these ranges of colors are close.
Next time you use PhotoShop or PaintShopPro; remember your results and make sure your monitor is calibrated!

NOTE: 10% of men are color-blind to various degrees; but it is almost non-existant in women (.4%).
It's not a result of disease or enviormental insults - but is passed on by genetics.


My score: 19
How did you do?
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I am of the 10%. Red-Green mostly - I catagorize alot of "colors" as "earth tone." I looked at that web page and my immediate reaction was, "Yea, right."
I guy on my shift at work is green-blue. My nephew, sisters son, has my trait but can't find the trait to uncles or grandfather on mothers side.
I scored a 34. I have no idea if my legally blind eye affects color or not. Near the end of the test, it almost seemed all the colors would blend together and I couldn't tell them apart anymore.
Scored a 4. Might have been able to get a 0 but after a while it messes with your eyes and the entire row looks the same shade! Had 4 together in the third row that were wrong. So much for my favorite color being blue. They need to do another version that is speed tested too.
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I got a 7. I thought the last row was probably the toughest. I think if you kind of try to look "through" the colors (sort of like how you would if you were trying to find some optical illusion) you can see a spectrum shift toward the "base" colors (that is to say, the ones on the ends). At least that seemed apparent to me, anyway, especially in the first line. I think I'll take it again tomorrow and see how I do. Cool test, though!
I'm red green deficient ... so I was worried. My result looked "perfect" to me. Guess it wasn't ... ;)

* Your score: 28
* Gender: Male
* Age range: 20-29
* Best score for your gender and age range: 0
* Highest score for your gender and age range: 1520
Harumph...(brushing lapel with fingertips)...I got a zero score. Perfect color vision. Do I get a plaque or something?

That's a cool test, Rob. Thanks for sharing it. It's encouraging to me as a newbie photographer that I've got a decent color acuity working in my favor.

Like Mike said, the test does mess with your eyes after a bit. But by lining up the basic tonal similarities in a rough order, and then switching color tiles and comparing them side by side, I was able to distinguish the subtle gradations. This has been informative, not to mention a confidence builder.
My 4 felt like more luck than anything. I couldn't see much difference between most of them, and never expected it to be that close to right. That said, with a decent to good monitor it shouldn't be hard at all to get 0. Hell my monitor is pre-2000 and I lucked it to 4. Monitor quality is a huge part of this, much bigger than some eye quality.

This little site/test will tell you where you are with your monitors ability.

I can start to see the square by shade 4 on there.

Then this one...

Quote from that second link....

Less lofty monitors often have difficulty resolving the split in the bottom row at all.
Mine is very very close to qualifying for that. I can only sort of see a couple of them in that row, if I really use my imagination, lol. If your monitor isn't very capable, well you'll obviously not be really capable on that color test either.

For those that don't know or realize, 8 bit RGB uses a scale of 0 to 255....0 is black, 255 is white. That's where one gets the 256 levels of lightness. Well that bottom row on that last one uses shade spacings of only one level difference. Next one up 2 levels difference, up to the top row which is 10. Pretty cool little graph to tell you where you monitor is. Ideally one should be able to see all the splits. If you are set too bright or too dark, well then you'll obviously see less at either end.
Scored a 4. Might have been able to get a 0 but after a while it messes with your eyes and the entire row looks the same shade! Had 4 together in the third row that were wrong. So much for my favorite color being blue. They need to do another version that is speed tested too.
Exactly the same thing here. Scored 4, all blues in the third row.
You have perfect color vision!

Based on your information, below is how your score compares to those of others with similar demographic information.

  • Your score: 0
  • Gender: Male
  • Age range: 20-29
  • Best score for your gender and age range: 0
  • Highest score for your gender and age range: 1520
  • Your score: 8
  • Gender: Male
  • Age range: 40-49
  • Best score for your gender and age range: 0
  • Highest score for your gender and age range: 1462
Because af a crappy monitor ... :-)