Pentaxians: Looking for some prime lenses?

Mar 21, 2005
Kearney, NE
I'm helping an acquaintance sell some Pentax equipment and he's been a long-time collector and user and he has some Good Stuff (some of it very hard to come by):

Pentax-A 15mm f3.5 ultrawide (rectilinear)
Pentax-A 24mm f2.8
Pentax-M 40mm f2.8 pancake
Pentax-A 135mm f2.8
200mm f4 (forget if it is a K, M or A)
Pentax K 300mm f4 ! (This lens is priced at over $500 LESS than the digital equiv. available now)

Particularly with rumors getting stronger of a Pentax full frame DSLR to be introduced in 2012, now would be an excellent time to grab primes that can cover the full 35mm frame. Contact me via PM and I can get you pics and more info.