PCI EXPRESS mini CARD wifi network card BLUES

bill mudd

Jul 2, 2004
laguna beach california
Has anyone found a decent pci wifi mini express card (note; not the regular PCIMCI) that has external antenna?
I want to snap in my omni directional to it - but not a lot of choices out there for this new size that are EXPRESS port size:mad:

Im running a Dell with XP PRO OS- it has wireless built in that works pretty good but Id really like to get more (who wouldn't) I guess I ordered the lap top without the standard size (ouch)

Ive tried the UMBIQUITI card but it conflicted with XP (I think) and just wouldn't install- there was no directions on settings or install - plus the infamous wimpy crappy connection BS - plus no tech support

ps if you order a new lap top on line be sure to avoid this new mess....
SPECIFICY standard port not MINI
Hi Bill,

You'll likely find that all computers now come with the expresscard slot instead of the older PCMCIA slot. To get a computer with a PCMCIA or PCCard slot at this point, you're probably making some fairly substantial performance trade-offs. ExpressCard is the new standard from the PCMCIA working group.

As far as an external WiFi card, a cursory look online doesn't yield too many cards as my guess would be that they're assuming most laptops have it built in at this point. I checked a few of the big vendors and didn't find any with external antenna adapters. Without that possibility, the built-in wireless in your laptop will probably be better as most laptops run the antenna up the screen for better reception.

Orinoco Gold cards were PCMCIA cards, not express cards like he's looking for. They may have a newer express card product out, I don't know.
I know Tony Laubach uses a cellular 'card' that has a USB plug on it..and has an external antenna jack. It should work on any computer.. Tim
what provider are you using? I can find out which of our cards may have an external antenna port. If this is what your asking by the way I read it. sick right now.
what provider are you using?

He's looking for something for WiFi, not cellular.

Bill; your options might be limited, however one of the USB connected WiFi adapters might yield better results than your internal WiFi since you can get them up on the dash etc. I've heard of a few people who have modified them for use with an external antenna too, although I can't back that up with fact.
Heya, Bill,

I'm a tad confused here, and after seeing some other replies I think others may be as well.

My problem is that you've cited "mini express" cards and "express" port size. I'm gonna assume that you don't actually mean "mini express", but simply "express". Also, I'm gonna assume you mean "PCMCIA" rather than "PCIMCI".

Okay, now that I've made assumptions that, well, ya know......

Maybe this will be of help, maybe not, but here goes:

I just got a new computer (yay!!!!), and it also has an express card slot. The "express-card only" issue also distressed me, because I wanted the ability to use a Sprint PCMCIA card...... because I intended to uninstall the Vista and install XP, and I was told the Sprint express cards with external antenna ports were not XP compatible. Well, I found out the Verizon express cards ARE XP compatible, so I went with Verizon. I'm really glad I did, actually, because I'm now getting 1.2Mbps at home, out in the boonies halfway between Lamar and Holly CO!

I also wanted to get a (new) WiFi card and attach an external antenna to it, and I can't do that now (as far as I know), but now I don't care.

This goes back to another thread or 6, but for my $59.99/mo I'm getting broadband at home and I'm sure I'll get at least dial-up speeds while mobile around 90-95% of the time across The Alley. I also just bought an amplifier from Gordon Spencer to enhance my capabilities.

Screw the WiFi. I don't need it. Sort of. I also have the internal WiFi card, and I'll use that whenever I can, since it will keep my phone's data useage down, but I don't see that being an issue anyway. I've learned that I'm going to exceed the 5gigs/mo. "limit" if I stream music all day every day, but I can live without that.

I'm going to just stick with the Vista, too.

So, my recommendation is to drop whatever ISP you currently have, if possible, and just go with the Verizon or Sprint express card service for $60/mo., if you can live with "only" 1.2Mbps internet service. I'm sure you'll get that speed in Laguna Beach, and you'll be set for your chasing, too.

[edit] I left out a couple points: 1) Since I bought the amplifier, there's (apparently) no reason to consider getting an external antenna, and 2) I haven't had a chance to test the amplifier yet.
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I just got a new computer (yay!!!!), and it also has an express card slot. The "express-card only" issue also distressed me, because I wanted the ability to use a Sprint PCMCIA card...... because I intended to uninstall the Vista and install XP, and I was told the Sprint express cards with external antenna ports were not XP compatible.

Let me put that lie they told you to bed Bob. We have two laptops here already running new top line Sprint express port cards (with ext ant jack) on XP with no issues installing or running whatsoever. The work perfect on XP.

Some of the BS sales people spew out of ignorance just kills me.

Kinda reminds me how I have heard twice in as many days that you can't take a laptop "designed" for Vista and put XP on it. I've done it, and it's BS that it can't be done. Worst case you might have to dig around a little for some XP drivers. That's another thread tho...
It wasn't the Verizon guys telling that, though, David. I got that from the people in the Sprint store (in Pueblo)! I guess they weren't trained very well, because they told me they couldn't get me what I wanted, so I walked.
Didn't say it was the Verizon guy. Sprint sales reps are well known for making uninformed statements like that. I love the Sprint network. Customer Service/Sales needs help. Shoulda gave me a call man! LOL
--------------RESPONSE to POSTS------------------

the express card (the new revised pc card slot) I tried was not for cellular - it was for wifi with a 9dbi external antenna option - however the software wouldn't install for whatever reason which is not the topic - and I hate the small wimpy antenna connector so Ive returned it... (it was a Ubiquiti 300 $140 ouch)

the current built in Dell internal wifi is working great but I wanted the possiblity to get an 9 dbi antenna while war driving.
so Ive decided to try a USB option mentioned herein made by Alfa ($29)-utilizing the all important RPSMA screw in cable option connection and USB port to my omni directional antenna.

i'm using my razr for cellular connection ($59mo. no contract no card to purchase) - just wanted a lil more on the wifi side

sorry about replying to my post but needed to clarify some questions:)