**OUTAGE!** GR Level Allison House Feed

Nov 19, 2007
Plattsburg, Missouri
Was looking over weather today and noticed GR Level Allison House Radar feed was going up and down since last night. Right now it is currently off. Went to Tyler's site and he's on vacation. That is all good, everyone needs a little time off. I just wanted to give a heads up for anyone experiencing troubles, and I apologize if this thread has been started somewhere else. Here's a link to the scoop...


Chris Rice
I don't get the 'OUTRAGE' label you gave this thread. Tyler gave notice he was gonna "unplug" for a while. Besides, it's July. Why do you need constant radar data anyway? Dolly was a bird fart.

EDIT: NM, I'm an idiot...and thought I'd leave my original reply up just to entertain folks :-)

(and yes, I read 'outage' as 'outrage')
I don't get the 'OUTRAGE' label you gave this thread. Tyler gave notice he was gonna "unplug" for a while. Besides, it's July. Why do you need constant radar data anyway? Dolly was a bird fart.

EDIT: NM, I'm an idiot...and thought I'd leave my original reply up just to entertain folks :-)

(and yes, I read 'outage' as 'outrage')

"Why do you need constant radar data anyway?"

Because we pay for it and some other parts of the country
may have something ongoing.

It was indeed an "outage". Tyler had some DNS issues
due to a Linux emergency upgrade he performed. It was
an unexpected issue and we all know this sort of thing can happen.

I appreciate Tylers dedication and quick actions in resolving this
outage as I have been once again been pulling good data from his system in the past hour or so.

Why do you need constant radar data anyway?

Because looking out the window to observe what is actually happening can be very blinding!


Because you may not know whether that tornado that just hit you had a classic hook echo associated with it.

Probably a lot of other reasons, but I'm kinda tired so I'll just throw those two out as plausible reasons.

If you are in the security industry you'll know that a new DNS vulnerability was discovered and exploit code was released in the past 24 hours. Because of that I had to conduct an emergency upgrade on one of my servers (that is primary DNS for allisonhouse and a few other sites) and I must have twittled something that shouldn't have been twittled and it caused a DNS outage after I went to bed last night. The feeds were actually not down but it did cause one server to crash from lack of memory after some processes hung unable to do DNS resolution and left several customers out in the dark until DNS was restored.

Thinks should be running smooth since late this morning...I've been watching it all day.
Good job getting her back on the road, Tyler! I was wondering what happened to my KBRO data last night, but I knew you'd get it fixed as quickly as possible. I had spent WAY too much time cyberchasing Dolly anyway, LOL.