NOAA extends Mesonet Partnership with Climavision for Enhanced Radar Data


May 29, 2024
Lost in America
I know this is a few months old, but it's definitely of interest to the weather community:

I admit, I have not been following this story. Are they going to target the well-known radar holes in the current network or is Climavision aiming for the major markets?
I admit, I have not been following this story. Are they going to target the well-known radar holes in the current network or is Climavision aiming for the major markets?
I'm still digging around for more information on this, I'll post what I can find, if/when I do find anything.
They have been filling in the known radar holes from what I can see. The first map is from June 2024 showing what has been installed and are operating. The second image is from April 2024 showing what they are eventually planning to cover. The green match the 1st map as being operational. The light blue are "in the works", though I have not looked to see if they have a list of current projects or not. The ones in AR are and will be a substantial improvement in filling those holes.


As a commercial enterprise, I'm sure they would charge some type of fee for accessing their data. Glad to see something in the OK panhandle. Would be nice to have one in southern Arizona on a Mt. top near Casa Grande that would fill in the hole there for monsoon haboobs. It will be interesting to see how maintenance (down time) plays out on these units.