New Record Low for Mt. Washington

Feb 20, 2004
Windsor, Ontario
My co-worker and I just edited the Mt. Washington page on wikipedia:

Last June, she was the first to look indepthly at the data from the 1800's at Mt. Washington and discovered a new official record low of -50 F in 1885 and an even colder unofficial record low of -59 F in 1871 (that the observer wrote in the remarks section).

Just thought I would share :cool:
Mt. Washington is one cool place

Pardon the pun, but Mt. Washington, NH is one cool place. I spent 2000 and 2001 June VHF contests up at the top of Mt. Washington. Even though it was the middle of June, and the temperature at the base of the mountain was 75 degrees, at the summit it was 28 degrees with ice and snow, and winds blowing near 80mph.

The below picture is me up on the roof deck of the Sherman Adams building braving those hurricane force winds.
