New OKC Micronet placefile

Dec 9, 2003
At the request of a GRx user, I was able to rather quickly add an OKC Micronet placefile to my suite of placefiles available for free for GRx users. The new placefile can be access at . I'm working out a couple of issues, however. I'm still messing around with the 'threshold' parameter, which dictates the "zoom level" at which the data are shown on GR. Of course, the micronet has much greater density in terms of observing sites, which makes the plotting of them rather difficult and necessitates that the data not be shown unless GR is zoomed in quite a bit. In addition, the data file provided by OCS only gives lat and lon to the hundredths digit. There are a few sites in downtown OKC that require the lat and lon to higher specificity; otherwise, a handful of sites get plotted on the same lat/lon pair. I'll try to email OCS to see if they can include the lat/lon to the thousandths digit to allow for more accurate plotting of those downtown OKC sites.

I want to change the subdomain to grlevelx instead of grlevel3 since all my placefiles work equally well in GR2 and GR2AE as they do in GR3. However, I fear that many will not take notice of the change, and I'll get deluged by users asking why the placefiles no longer work correctly. So, I'll keep all placefiles on the current subdomain for the time being.