New NWS Hotseat Senario


It has been awhile since there has been any new NWS Hotseat Scenarios. For anyone who does not know what the program is, it allows you to issue warnings on storms for events and see how good you have done.

There is a new scenario and this scenario has three difficulties: Easy, Hard and Very Hard. That makes a total of 7 scenarios to try. If anyone is interested here is the link:
I tried out the new scenario and had a hard time keeping up on the hard difficulty. When I completed it a bonus round came up. This was a well known event and allot of fun. If anyone has not yet tried out the NWS Hotseat warning decision simulater I highly recommend it as a great learning tool.
Your welcome Wes. I wish I could contribute more scenarios but the java programs did not work right on my computer. It is nice to see Clark Safford is still adding more scenarios.
Cool thing to play around with on the off-season. Im doing the Nov. IA tornadoes now. I remember Peachtree had the Hotseat running a year or so ago, But with only 3 scenarios. I figured they would take that program offline because of the resources it uses, but im happy to see theyve expanded to 7 scenarios. Ill sure play with these new ones. Thanks Matt!
Cool applet! Really taxes your ability to click fast on the hard level! I also learned about VIL, which I never really knew what to use it for. Seems real handy for determining the potential for hail.

So, what would be considered a good score on these? I didn't miss any events but that cheesy little warning box makes it darn difficult to provide a big enough area on some cells...
For those of you that do not know POD = Probability of detection, FAR = False alarm rate and CSI = Critical sucess index. A good score would have high POD and CSI percentages while having low FAR.
Your welcome Chris. If anyone is interested in making a scenario I can send you the needed files including a demo since I still have them and then you could start contributing some of your own scenarios. Clark Safford will then add them to the list of scenarios if there is no problems with it.
There is a new NWS Hotseat scenario up and it has 3 difficulties. (Easy,Medium and Hard) I found this scenario challenging. This was a fun scenario to try and I think this is a good learning tool so for those interested here is the link:
Have fun.