New models available including full free global ECMWF/10 days

Jan 24, 2006
For your chasing needs:

Global ECMWF (Ensemble plumes to be added soon) - choose state, county, time

For metric results:

Other models on the sites including 0,8x0,8 mi models for five areas in the US (Swiss HD) any many more elsewhere, parameters including many for severe weather. Example: Temperature Mariposa County #cawx
Money. Like others do too. We just thought, weather is for everybody since nobody else thought so, so we did that and here you go. More in a few days (ensemble, marine stuff...)
There will be a mouseover down the road. Temperature is not the most exciting feature of the ECMWF anyway.

One solution though until then: see the forecast for every place with the model comparison tool (every place world wide, flag of Norway is ECMWF) - choose other parameters from menu:

Or another way to see your place in ECMWF is this (will soon be upgraded to 3hourly forecast):
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Until we are good enough so you can enjoy the ECMWF temperature bands, maybe check our radar archive from 1991 like

or world wide lightning detection, for lightning analysis (already on for US and Asia, go to county level, then click on flash icon

Or enjoy Hires sat imagery world wide including GOES16 at home, Meteosat from Europe to Middle East and Himawari for Asia/Australia.
Hi, lightning is different sources, you can see the update rate in the menu, 5 minutes. From tomorrow or so, we are gonna add the grid point values into the county maps, so the ECMWF output (and others) will look like this (metric example, on your familiar weird numbers ;-) - hoping it makes you more happy!

It says 1 pm CDT so I think that's quite correct. Individual settings will be available soon. We are a startup, not the Weather Channel or worse, so not all the nice to have features are available immediately. Content first.
One more suggestion would be to add the severe parameters to the XL table. Much easier to see at a glance.