New Mexico thru the Lens

May 21, 2011
North-central Nebraska
I've been trying to keep out of the heat and do a few things inside, yet still thinking about all things weather.
I started reminiscing about the two years I lived in Santa Fe, NM, went to ChaserCon, & kept John Farley's storm calendar on my wall for a year!
Going through some pre-2024 photo-files, I got to thinking... have some of you gotten interesting shots from the Land of Enchantment?
Photo below shows a hailer from July 8, 2015 around 1 p.m. over Santa Fe beyond the hill; I'm just south on I-25 near the rest stop. DSCF1587.jpg
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Well, okay...
I lived in Los Alamos NM for 13 years. On August 8 1999 I got this on video. Here are two video captures. I had just started chasing two months prior. It would be two more years before I bought my first computer and joined ST.

This is looking south from the deck of my house. I believe it may have been a tornado as the local paper later reported a large tree was felled (IIRC) right around there, which was near the hospital. No tornado was reported. The elevation there is 7300 feet. Hey! Just realized that was 25 years ago today.
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